Foci of Automatism of the Heart Nomotopic

The focus of automaticity (nomotopic) is a small area of ​​the heart muscle in the sinus node that generates heart rate impulses. The sinus node is the only known automatic node of the heart that is capable of spontaneous excitation and provides the initial rhythm of heart contractions. However, not all parts of the heart can generate these impulses independently.

Nomotopic foci of automaticity are areas of the myocardium that can independently control their rhythm. Such areas can be located in various parts of the heart, including the atria, ventricles and atrioventricular nodes. They are able to generate their own rhythms that are not connected to an external pacemaker. This can lead to atrial or ventricular fibrillation, impaired atrioventricular conduction, or a pause between contractions.

If your rhythms are uneven or irregular, it may be due to a dysfunctional nomotopic site in your heart. Rhythm disturbances can also be caused by other causes, such as blockades or arrhythmias, which are associated with disturbances in the cardiac driver or