Cleansing From Parasites With the Help of &Quot;Troychatka&Quot;

Cleansing the Body of Parasites Using “Troychatka”

Dr. Hilda Clark, while studying cancer patients, discovered dirt and parasites in their bodies. After many studies, she came to the following conclusion: 90% of chronic diseases are caused by two reasons - parasites and ecotoxins (environmental toxins that enter the body).

A logical question arose before her: how to effectively cleanse the body of parasites and waste (ecotoxins)? H. Clark experimentally determined that three substances taken orally have the ability to cleanse the human body of worms, their eggs, as well as other parasites, viruses and bacteria, and this makes it possible to successfully treat cancer.

These three substances are:

  1. Green walnut shell
  2. Sagebrush
  3. Clove Seed Powder

They should be used as follows:

  1. Make a concentrated tincture from the unripe black walnut peel.
  2. Take wormwood herb and clove seed powder.

The simultaneous intake of three components destroys all adult parasites, their larvae, eggs, as well as pathogenic microorganisms and fungi in the body.

The rest of the article describes in detail how to take each of the components of the triad, in what dosages and according to what scheme.

"Troichatka" helps to effectively cleanse the body of various kinds of parasites and pyogenic infections. This is an excellent addition to other health remedies - nutrition, fasting, movement, hardening, working with consciousness, and urine therapy.

Thus, the “troika” is an effective and safe method of cleansing the body of parasites when used correctly. However, before starting use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.