Hemorrhagic Vasculitis (Anaphylactic Purpura, Capillary toxicosis, Henoch-Schoen-Lein disease)

The etiology of hemorrhagic vasculitis is not completely clear. Acute and chronic infections, toxic-allergic factors (eggs, fish, milk, vaccinations, some medications, helminths) are of causal importance.

The pathogenesis of the disease is complex. Importance is attached to the formation of toxic substances that affect the walls of blood vessels, increasing their permeability. A certain role is assigned to immunocomplex lesions of the vascular wall and the immunodeficiency state.

Clinical picture. The disease often begins suddenly, less often after a short-term illness, usually after an infection. An important symptom is skin damage in the form of a papular-hemorrhagic, sometimes bullous rash. The rash is symmetrical, localized on the legs, torso, face, and arms. Characterized by skin itching and paresthesia. Swelling of the hands, feet, and legs is often observed.

Frequent symptoms are: fever, abdominal pain, vomiting with blood, black stools, joint pain. The tests revealed neutrophilic leukocytosis, decreased albumin-globulin index, decreased amount of prothrombin, increased capillary permeability.

There are acute, subacute, chronic and recurrent course. There are also 3 degrees of disease activity. Children of preschool age are most often affected.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with Werlhof's disease and hemophilia.

Treatment includes: bed rest, antibiotics, antihistamines, salicylates, enterosorbents, calcium supplements, ascorbic acid, rutin. For severe syndromes, glucocorticoids and heparin are prescribed.

The prognosis is generally favorable, but worsens with the development of severe syndromes.