Ophthalmic microsurgery

Ophthalmic microsurgeons are specialists in the field of ophthalmology who perform complex eye surgeries such as laser vision correction and other microsurgical operations.

Laser vision correction is a procedure in which a doctor removes damaged cells from the cornea of ​​the eye using a laser and replaces them with new, healthy cells. This improves vision and

Ophthalmomichrargy (from the Greek ophthalmos - eye, micro - small and surgery) is a branch of ophthalmology that deals with ophthalmological operations using microsurgical techniques. It includes various methods of treating eye diseases that previously could only be possible with the help of classical instruments and technologies (for example, laser cataract removal, laser coagulation of the retina, laser vision correction).

Ophthalmic microsurgery is one of the most precise and modern methods of treating eye diseases. To perform microsurgical operations, a special operating microscope is used, which allows you to see the eyeball under magnification and carry out manipulations with an accuracy of several microns.

One of the main advantages of ophthalmic microsurgical treatment is its high efficiency and safety. Thanks to the use of microscopic technology, errors during surgery are minimized, which reduces the risk of possible complications and reduces recovery time after surgery. In addition, the ophthalmic microsurgical method allows one to achieve more optimal and predictable treatment results than the use of other methods.

However, like any treatment method, ophthalmic surgery has its drawbacks. For example, patients may experience some discomfort wearing contact lenses during surgery. Anesthesia may also be necessary. In addition, ophthalmic microsurgical operations