Oxygenator Drum

A drum oxygenator is a device for saturating the blood with oxygen during artificial circulation. In a drum-type oxygenator, oxygen saturation occurs by moving a thin layer of blood through rotating drums.

The operating principle of the drum oxygenator is as follows:

  1. Blood from the patient’s venous system enters the oxygenator and is distributed in a thin layer over rotating drums.

  2. Oxygen or an oxygen-air mixture is blown through the layer of blood on the drums. Oxygen diffuses through the red blood cell membrane.

  3. Oxygenated blood is collected and returned to the patient.

Thus, the rotation of the drums ensures a large area of ​​contact of blood with oxygen and effective saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen.

Drum-type oxygenators are easy to manufacture and use. Their disadvantage is the possible damage to blood cells when moving on the drums. Currently, they are almost completely replaced by membrane oxygenators.

Drum oxygenators are devices that are used to saturate a liquid with oxygen during its processing. They are rotating drums covered with a thin layer of liquid in which the process of oxygen saturation occurs.

The operating principle of a drum oxygenator is based on the fact that the liquid passing through the rotating drums is saturated with oxygen due to contact with the surface of the drums, covered with a thin layer of solution. This process occurs due to the fact that when the drum rotates, the liquid is saturated with oxygen, which then enters the solution.

Drum type oxygenators are widely used in various industries such as food, chemical, pharmaceutical and others. They make it possible to increase the efficiency of processes associated with the saturation of liquids with oxygen and improve the quality of the resulting product.

One of the main advantages of drum oxygenators is their high efficiency. They can provide up to 99% oxygen saturation of the liquid, which allows you to obtain a high-quality product with minimal losses. In addition, drum oxygenators are cost-effective and efficient devices, making them a popular choice among manufacturers.

However, like any other equipment, drum oxygenators have their drawbacks. One of them is the need for regular cleaning and maintenance, which can require additional costs and time. In addition, some oxygenators may be sensitive to the quality of the fluid they process and require special monitoring and regulation.

In general, drum oxygenators are an effective and cost-effective way to oxygenate liquids. They are widely used in industry and are an important element in many processes associated with obtaining high quality products.