
Oculoergometry is used to determine the functional abilities of the organ of vision, both holistically and separately, of certain of its structures. Similar to biomicroscopy, when performing oculoergometry, part of the light wave is absorbed by the substance of the eyeball and deposited in the form of gray stripes. This is especially clearly visible when using a local anesthetic, which contrasts the contents of the eye chambers, as well as against the background of an inflammatory process of the cornea. Thus, the method makes it possible to diagnose functional differences in the posterior part of the eye, including the ciliary level, based on indicators of the functioning of the ciliary body, nerve, accommodation system, and state of the lens. The use of topical mydriatics in the perioperative period is advisable using the acoustic pulse ophthalmoscopy technique, which allows obtaining high-quality ERG data after contact with the precorneal space. The duration of testing is on average 2-4 minutes: up to 4 minutes for each eye when instilled once every 25-30 seconds with a drop of the drug. Characteristic nonspecific signs of eye condition are reflected in the works of W. Bleakley et al. (1973) as signs of a state of intense accommodative work of the eye: the “lazy eye” symptom complex, the most vivid formulation in the form of a description of “pseudo-lazy eye” is present in the methodological manual of O.V. Sorokin (2011).

The technique of oculoechography in the diagnosis of perimetrium is determined by taking into account the biological patterns of functioning of the visual organs:

- any pathology of the eye will be reflected in the visual zone of the cerebral cortex as part of the stereognostic (tactile) system, becoming an object of perception; - the organs of vision can perceive only static stimuli resulting from the influence of external light stimulation on their receptors; - to localize the pathological process of the organ of vision, perceptual objects of varying rates of formation and disappearance are used;

At the core