Oligophrenia Torpidnaya

Article "Torpid oligophrenia"

Torpid oligophrenia is a form of mental retardation that is characterized by lethargy, apathy and low ability to adapt to the environment. With this form of oligophrenia, patients do not show interest in life and surrounding events.

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Torpid mental retardation is one of the main types of congenital mental retardation.

This type of dementia is quite common. Children with acute and chronic course of the disease have significant impairments in the intellectual, emotional-volitional and speech spheres, as well as delays in the development of general and fine motor skills. Despite all the clinical manifestations, they have no signs of underdevelopment of any organs or systems. Expressed to varying degrees, these disorders are one of the significant differences from another nosological form of oligophrenia, that is, debility.

The term "torpidity" is of Latin origin. Translated literally, this word means “silence.” The term is used exclusively for the oligophrenic circle and denotes the presence of a reduced threshold of irritability, inhibition, and inertia of certain physiological processes. This phenomenon is typical for normally developing children, and serves as an indicator of their balance and emotional stability in a variety of circumstances.

It is worth noting that those suffering from the asthenic form of pathology have increased sensitivity to external stimuli. These changes become especially noticeable during adolescence. Therefore, this condition is usually called residual