Olive Cerebellum

What is the "cerebellar olive" and what are its functions?

The cerebellar olive is a complex structure in the brain that is responsible for the coordination of movements and balance of the body. It is located at the back of the brain, near the pons that connects the cerebellum to the cerebral cortex.

**Main purpose of the cerebellar olive**

The main purpose of the cerebellar olive is to regulate balance and coordinate body movements in space, as well as coordinate various muscle movements, ensuring correct and quick reactions of the body to various stimuli. Thus, the cerebellar olive is a regulator of muscle contractions and motor skills.

According to some data, the cerebellar olive also affects a person’s mental state and mood, preventing stress. Stress reactions are prevented in people who have various abnormalities in the functioning of the brain stem and cerebral hemispheres. However, there is a number of medical data here, so it is difficult to say this with complete confidence.