Omentopexy (Omentorehu)

Omentopexy (Omentorehu) is a surgical procedure that is often used in medicine to improve blood circulation in the body. It is based on the attachment of the omentum to another organ, such as the abdominal wall or heart.

The omentum is a fatty tissue located in the human abdominal cavity. It plays an important role in protecting organs from injury and infection, and is also involved in immune responses and regulation of inflammatory processes.

Depending on the purpose of the operation, the omentum can be attached to various organs. For example, when attached to the abdominal wall, the omentum helps improve blood circulation in the liver. This is especially important for patients with cirrhosis or other diseases that can impair the blood supply to the liver.

The omentum can also be attached to the heart, which increases blood flow to the heart. This may be helpful for patients with heart failure or other heart conditions that can lead to circulatory problems.

Omentopexy is a complex and serious operation that requires highly qualified and experienced surgeons. However, thanks to modern technologies and advanced methods, it is becoming more accessible and effective in treating various diseases.

In conclusion, it can be said that Omentopexy (Omentorehu) is an important surgical procedure that can improve blood circulation in the body and help patients with various diseases. It requires highly qualified and experienced surgeons, but thanks to modern technologies its effectiveness and safety are constantly improving.

Good afternoon friends! Today we will talk about a new operation that can change the lives of many people. We will talk about a surgical operation called **omentopexy**.

What is omentopexy? **Omentopexy** is a surgical procedure in which the omentum, located

Omentorexia is a surgical intervention aimed at improving the blood supply to various organs and tissues by attaching the omentum. As part of this procedure, the omentum is fixed to the inner surface of the abdominal wall or heart, which provides more intensive blood supply and improves the general condition of the patient. It is a treatment method that can be used to treat various health problems.

The benefits of omentorexia include increasing the rate of blood flow to the body's tissues, reducing the risk of blood clots, and reducing the effects of chronic diseases such as varicose veins. The operation helps improve the patient’s quality of life, reducing the risk of developing diseases and stabilizing the functioning of certain organs.

The omenthorexis procedure can be performed using various methods. Most often, special synthetic materials are used - adhesive membranes that secure the omentum to the surface of the abdominal cavity or cardiovascular system. Surgery is usually performed by an experienced specialist in a specialized center.

During omentorex surgery, the patient is under general anesthesia. The medical staff makes small incisions on the body, including the chest, to gain access to the heart and blood vessels. The doctor then attaches the omentum to the selected area using special devices and secures it with tape or glue. General

Omentohegesion. This is a surgical method for the prevention and treatment of heart valve defects, often encountered in cardiac surgery. The operations were first proposed in the 50s by N.M. Amosov and Z.E. Sidorova. However, they have not received adequate development in clinical practice. A new attempt to introduce this intervention belongs to the American cardiac surgeon Peter Mitchell, who in 1978 proposed his own modification of the operation. The method was called omentogegy. This name of the operation is due to the fact that it has proven effective in treating a number of congenital defects and many diseases of the valve apparatus. Therefore, the operation began to be actively practiced, and the surgeon’s methods were modified. But in the second half of the eighties, several variants of this procedure also arose, which are called differently - omentokokia, omentography, homotography.

Method M.E. Azatyan.. In Vladikavkaz, for the first time, a method of surgical treatment of atrioventricular valve defects with a violation of the direction of blood flow was developed - atriolocoropal shunting and omentoscopy, named after the author's surname - the A.I. method. AzaryanA. This is a transmural pathological stenosis of the left ventricle, caused by an enlargement of the mitral valve and atrophy of the hypertrophied muscles of the ventricle, but without pronounced loss of the left ventricle. Approach and access to the valve is carried out aortotomically in the superolateral part of the interatrial septum. The operation is performed at the height of the dicrotic phase of systole. Cardiac stenosis is compensated. The skin incision is expanded, moving the left leg of the diaphragm to the side