Onychia Dystrophic

Onychia dystrophy is a fairly common disease that is accompanied by a number of symptoms and requires immediate treatment.

Symptoms About nail plate dystrophy, signs of the disease are visible almost immediately. The patient notices that the surface of the nail has become rough, hard in color, and separation appears along the edges of the plate. As nail damage progresses, the nail plate may detach along the edge from the nail bed. In the later stages, onycholysis develops - diffuse or point-like detachment of the plate from the nail along its entire length. At this stage, the nail completely ceases to perform a protective function, and multiple traumatic injuries occur. Most often, such nails are accompanied by mucosis - inflammation of the subungual space. Infectious agents enter the bloodstream and spread to all organs, causing them to malfunction. Most often it affects the kidneys and liver; chronic rashes appear on the skin, quickly turning into ulcers and scabs. The digestive system is rarely affected. Risk factors include frequent haircut changes and injuries. Such pathologies can be not only a concomitant phenomenon with a number of other dermatological diseases, but also an independent disease. Treatment The causes of the development of the disease are varied, but among the factors that contribute to its development are: chronic trauma of various etiologies HIV infection Hormonal disorders Aging of the body bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse Autoimmune diseases Decreased immunity The presence of a large number of microbes in the body Active sexual intercourse functioning Age-related changes. For a complete cure, you need to contact a specialist. Diagnostics In the first days of the existence of a pathological process, it is possible to limit oneself to an external examination. Visually identifying nail dystrophy and confirming the accompanying symptoms is not difficult even for a patient without medical training. The results of a professional examination will allow you to prescribe adequate therapy as soon as possible. Additional diagnostic methods are also prescribed: scraping from the nail tissue Examination of the condition of the stratum corneum Using a Wood's lamp Determination of the rate of nail growth Study of blood flow using an ultrasound method, additional blood tests.