Cuboid-sphenoid ligament Dorsal

The dorsal cuboid-cuneiforme ligament (Cuboid joint ligament) (l. Cubo-Cuneiforme Dorsale) is a ligament that connects the cuboid bone and the wedge-shaped bone in the back of the foot. It is diamond-shaped and located on the back of the foot, between the cuboid bone and the sphenoid bone.

The dorsal cuboid-sphenoid ligament is one of the most important ligaments of the foot, as it plays an important role in maintaining the stability of the foot and ensuring proper load distribution during walking.

If this ligament is damaged, pain, swelling, and deformity of the foot may occur. However, it usually occurs due to injury or overuse of the foot. In this case, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

To prevent damage to the dorsal cuboid-sphenoid ligament, it is necessary to ensure the correct positioning of the foot when walking, and also to avoid excessive stress and injury to the foot.

Ligament cuboid-sphenoid of the dorsal surface

The cuboid-cuneiform dorsal ligament (lat. cuboid-cuneiform convex sole ligament, cuboid-cuneiform dorsal ligament) is a ligament of the foot that connects the cuboid and sphenoid bones, and passes through them into the dorsum of the foot. It is located in the back of the foot and provides stability and protection to the joints. This ligament plays an important role in maintaining the stability of our feet and preventing injuries associated with jumping, running, and other high-impact activities. Next, I will talk about the properties, structure and functions of the cuboid-sphenoid ligament of the dorsum.

Properties of the Cuboid Wedge Ligament of the Dorsal Surface of the Foot

The properties of a ligament include its strength, elasticity and flexibility. The ligament consists of several layers of connective tissue that provide strength to the connective joints. In addition, it has sufficient flexibility and elasticity to allow normal foot function. The cuboid dorsal cuneiform ligament consists of numerous small joints located between the different elements of the foot and connecting them to each other, allowing the foot to flex, toe, and adduct. In this case, the ligament, with the help of its supports, ensures the stability of the intermetatarsal joints and the calcaneal-talar joint, through which the wedge bone of the foot articulates with the talus bone of the leg.

The functions of the cuboid-cuneiform ligament of the dorsal surface are to provide stability and balance when running, jumping and other physical activities. In addition, it performs a number of other functions: - restoring the range of motion in the joints and strengthening the joints due to connective tissue attachments.