
You might not like the article, I'm not sure that would make me a cool poet.

However, here's the point. Sleep, dreams are our everything. we can go to the world of dreams and back, and such trips give us not only fresh ideas, but also faith in the best.

One of my friends likes to think about these journeys in his dreams - and the result is usually incredible. I shared this story with my colleague, who told me hers. As a child she suffered from terrible pain. Of course, I tried to interview her on this topic. the result was more unpleasant than I expected.

It all started when the girl heard singing. It was her infection-ridden heart that sang. By bleeding, doctors were unable to stop the spread of infection. And then comes the familiar pain. That’s when she began to heal her mental wound in her sleep. From these dreams she painted pictures that are now unknown to us mere mortals. And finally, after many years of suffering, correcting the dreams in her dreams, she woke up completely healthy. My friend then talked to the girl. She laughed and talked about how she dreamed of gardens full of luminous flowers, sat on a restless angel and inhaled a wonderful aroma. But, she said, sometimes there was a different character in the dream. But in the mornings she always woke up as happy as possible.

Onirodynia is a phenomenon that often occurs in people suffering from various mental disorders. They are born as a result of a brain disorder and can cause serious problems in everyday life. In this article we will look at what onebirth is, how it manifests itself and how to treat it.

Onebirthing is a disorder in which a person experiences distressing illusions or visions during sleep. During sleep, a person can experience various experiences that seem real to him. These dreams can be so intense that the person wakes up in a state of extreme terror or anxiety. Onirodynia can also be characterized as irritability, fits of laughter, dissatisfaction, panic attacks during