Ophthalmocoagulator Laser

Laser-type ophthalmic coagulators are medical equipment that is used to treat various eye diseases. It promotes the formation of dense scar tissue in the tissues of the cornea, iris and other structures of the eye to relieve symptoms associated with diseases and injuries.

Ophthalmocoagulation is a procedure based on thermal damage to the tissue of the eyeball. This method is used to improve vision and reduce pain. Several types of laser devices are used in ophthalmology, such as an ophthalmic coagulator. All of them are a type of physiotherapeutic effect of laser on the structure of the lens. Intraocular laser devices provide therapeutic and prophylactic effects and can be used both in medical institutions for treatment purposes and at home. Medical care using laser therapy is prescribed by doctors of the following specializations: ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist. Laser treatment is also prescribed to treat Alzheimer's disease.

Laser ophthalmocoagulation may be effective in treating pathologies such as:

With high myopia – over +6D; With strabismus; With high myopia with increased intraocular pressure; As a preparatory course before surgery to correct farsighted hyperopia.