
Exophilia is a person’s desire for extreme situations and challenges. Usually such people are described as “daredevil”, “risky” or “extreme”. They achieve emotions simply by the desire to overcome everything, to experience something “forbidden and dangerous.” In some cultures, such people are considered

A strange reaction of modern Internet figures to Russian classics... I’m talking about the works of Efremov “The Andromeda Nebula” and Zamyatin “We”. These books fell into disgrace 50-60 years ago, although before that they occupied the top lines of the charts and were included in the school curriculum “optional”.

Back in the late 80s, samizdat publications began to circulate among patriotic youth. And they sold out much faster than the official ones. Because there, behind the external well-being, the soul and thoughts of the author were revealed, strikingly different from what was usually passed off as examples of the cultural paradigm. I remember how we sat and discussed Efremov’s ideas out loud, because it was impossible to perceive it otherwise... even at school.

4 years after their publication, according to the will of the next “leader of the peoples,” “Tu” was banned (but shortly before the ban it was given as a gift to one very famous person at that time). Then the ban was lifted, the book was published in a new edition along with Boris Strugatsky’s story about Kira Bulycheva, and - lo and behold! - published by Progress and Young Guard publishing houses! However, the truth about Efremov remained classified as a “state secret.” It is still officially permitted in a limited number of libraries. Likewise, “We” - if in Soviet times it was possible to purchase, although not everywhere, now only from the hands of underground collectors.

But I digress. And we will talk about how strangely our literature reacted to the development of human knowledge. More precisely, scientific and technological progress has become a tool, according to existing canons, for the so-called “intellectual robbery,” as M.N. Koryakina called the phenomenon when its activities include elements of ordinary fraud, including lies, distortions of facts, and the creation of artificial hype, blackmail and threats - with the involvement of groups of people and the media - who, after receiving someone else's, become completely indifferent to the fate of these people. The latest triumph of this type of fraud can be seen with Binak. There will be more talk about this here.

It all started several centuries ago. Scientists used the ability of their telescopes to magnify and significantly “improve” images of a particular star system. A particular success of this technology was Herschel's discovery of dust in the Milky Way. Alas, these were the circumstances under which Sir Isaac somewhat inflated the image of the disk known in nature as an exailope (Exailos is an analogue of Jupiter with five planets). And since it had already become commonplace that the orbits of the planets determine the center of the galaxy, we decided to create a model of our system, in which the Solar system played the role of the center. Today we will not find any explanations for the importance, scale and responsibility of such actions from any author. But even today, almost three centuries later, hundreds of examples of this state of affairs can be cited. This is Struve’s theory about extraterrestrials, and Gagarin’s flight, which gave so much to the development of space technology. I can't ignore

Exophilic infection is an ascending form of zoonotic infection with epithelial (including extraepithelial) and lymphoid invasion. These are infections, the causative agent of which penetrates into the body tissue from the external environment through a special channel formed by virulent microorganisms and