Description of various types of complex drugs that stop bleeding well

Here is one of the medicines that Galen mentions and describes well; it was tested after Galen and found to be very useful. They take kalkatar - twenty parts, crushed incense - sixteen, sabur, pepper and dry resin - eight parts each, arsenic - four parts, gypsum, strongly ground, turned into dust and then sifted - twenty parts are treated with it in the form of powder on a tampon or Sprinkle it on the sore spot and it works great.

Either they take anzarut, sabur, mastic and dragon's blood, put it on a tampon and tie it, or they take one sabur and incense with hare's hair, as you already know. They also take the burnt sponge, which we talked about above, and burnt brick - it is used in grated form with lead scale, tutia and sabur.

Another medicine. Take frankincense, sabur and sulfur, or only incense and sulfur and prepare a powder or use this medicine on a tampon with egg white. Or they take kalkatara - twenty parts, incense in whole or crushed form - eight parts, ratiyanaja - eight parts and burnt gypsum - eight parts. Or they also take equal parts of kalkatar, burnt copper, kalkadis and calcined vitriol.

A good medicine against bleeding, especially from the head, take sabur - one part or half a part - the first of these quantities is taken if the body is hard, and the second - if the body is soft, as well as one part of incense powder if the body is hard, or one part of whole incense with fat, if the body is soft, and limiting it or adding dragon blood and anzarut. All this is tied with egg white and placed on hare hair or sprinkled, depending on the place.