Hashish intoxication

Hashish intoxication: what is it and how does it happen?

Hashish high, or HH, is an effect that can occur when consuming hashish, the Indian hemp resin obtained from the flowers and leaves of the Cannabis sativa plant. OH is considered one of the most common side effects when using hashish, which is a narcotic substance.

How does OG happen? The main active ingredient in hashish is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC interacts with cannabinol receptors in the brain, causing changes in neurochemical processes that lead to OH. OH can occur both from smoking hashish and from ingesting it (for example, in the form of edibles containing THC).

Symptoms of OH may include feelings of euphoria, increased appetite, perceptual changes (such as increased visual and auditory sensations), decreased motor coordination, impaired memory and concentration, and increased sensitivity to touch sensations. OH can also cause feelings of anxiety, paranoia and depression.

Although hashish is considered less dangerous than other drugs, cannabis use can still lead to a number of side effects, including OH. Moreover, research shows that long-term use of hashish can cause problems with memory, concentration and coordination of movements. Therefore, it is important to understand the risks associated with cannabis use and seek help if substance use problems arise.

In conclusion, OH is a common side effect of cannabis use. It occurs due to the interaction of THC with cannabinol receptors in the brain, which leads to changes in neurochemical processes. Although hashish is considered less dangerous than other drugs, hashish use can still cause a number of side effects, including OH. Therefore, it is important to understand the risks associated with cannabis use and seek help if substance use problems arise.

Such intoxication is a state of a person that occurs even if he uses any other drug, including alcohol or tobacco. During use, a person loses himself morally and physically, becomes aggressive and uncontrollable.

Hashish contains the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which causes active healing of nerve cells in the brain, which is especially dangerous for the heart and blood vessels. This narcotic substance affects the pleasure center in the brain, stimulating its work, and the person experiences constant emotional outbursts, inconsistency of reactions,