Order in the Kitchen

Keeping your kitchen tidy is an important aspect not only to keep it clean, but also to ensure safety while cooking. However, if you have a small child, keeping your kitchen tidy can be even more of a challenge. One way to make the kitchen safer and more organized for your child is to give him or her a separate bottom shelf or drawer in the kitchen cabinet.

This shelf can hold several old bowls, mugs and other small kitchen utensils such as tin cans and plastic cups. It is important to constantly change the assortment of shelf contents so that the child does not lose interest in his place in the kitchen. This will help your baby feel important and responsible for his things, and will also give him an understanding that the kitchen has its own rules and order.

In addition, setting aside a separate area for your child in the kitchen will help him avoid contact with dangerous objects such as sharp knives or hot pans. Teach your child to use his utensils only on his own shelf, and explain that dangerous items are located in other areas of the kitchen and are only accessible to adults.

Thus, creating order in the kitchen is important for the safety and comfort of all family members, including small children. Designating a separate shelf for your child will help him feel important and responsible for his things, as well as for having an orderly kitchen. Consider these simple tips and your kitchen will become more convenient and safe for the whole family.