Coriander Seedling

Coriander sativa: Spice and Medicinal Plant

Coriander, whose scientific name is Coriandrum sativum, is an annual herbaceous plant from the umbrella family (Apiaceae or Umbelliferae). The parts used of this plant are its fruit, which is also called coriander fruit or Coriandri fructus (formerly Fructus Coriandri) in pharmacy terminology.

The homeland of coriander is located in North Africa and Western Asia. In many regions of the world, this plant is grown to obtain pharmaceutical raw materials. Coriander cultivation in Germany is limited and the fruit is usually imported from abroad.

Coriander reaches a height of up to 50 cm and has a round, bare stem that branches at the top. The basal leaves are long-petiolate, undivided or pinnately dissected, the middle parts of the leaves are mostly twice pinnately dissected, and the upper leaves are finely divided and sessile. In coriander, the flowers are collected in umbels on long stalks; they consist of small white or pinkish flowers.

Many people are sensitive to the characteristic smell of unripe coriander fruit, which is a bit like the smell of bedbugs. Unlike most other plants in the umbelliferous family, such as cumin, anise and fennel, coriander fruits are spherical and difficult to break apart.

Coriander fruits are harvested when they are fully ripe, since unripe seeds have an unpleasant odor that persists even after drying. The fruits should be dried quickly with care. High-quality raw materials have a pleasant spicy aroma, slightly reminiscent of the smell of lily of the valley.

Coriander contains various biologically active substances. It is especially important to note its essential oil, thanks to which the plant is used as a medicine and spice. In addition, coriander contains tannins, vitamin C, sitosterol, protein and fatty oil.

Among the umbrella plants, coriander sativum, combined with cumin, fennel and anise, helps with flatulence. Coriander complements cumin perfectly, and a mixture of these four herbs with a predominance of cumin is particularly effective.

Coriander is used medicinally to treat low appetite, digestive disorders, bloating and gas. It has antispasmodic properties, helps relieve cramps and improve digestion.

In addition, coriander is also used in cooking as a spice. Its aroma and taste add a special note to various dishes, including meat, vegetable, fish and dessert. Coriander is widely used in Asian, Indian, Latin American and Mediterranean cuisines.

In the cosmetics industry, coriander is used in the production of perfumes and cosmetics due to its pleasant aroma and soothing properties.

It is important to note that some people may have an allergic reaction to coriander. If you are allergic to other plants in the Apiaceae family, you should be careful when consuming coriander or consult your doctor.

In conclusion, coriander sativum is a spice and medicinal plant used in cooking, medicine and cosmetics. It has a spicy aroma, antispasmodic properties and helps improve digestion. If you are not allergic to this plant, you can enjoy its taste and use it in a variety of dishes and products.