Organic solvent poisoning

Chlorinated hydrocarbons (organic solvents) - dichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene - are widely used in industry and everyday life for gluing plexiglass. Careless use of these substances may result in accidents.
Dichloroethane is a colorless liquid with an odor similar to chloroform or alcohol. It is especially dangerous if accidentally used instead of alcohol; a dose of 20-50 ml can be fatal.
After a short phase of excitement, the victim loses consciousness, convulsions appear, breathing is disrupted until it stops, then the heart stops.
If the victim remains alive, then after 2-3 days symptoms of liver and kidney damage appear.
First aid for poisoning with organic solvents
If the victim does not faint, care is provided as for oral poisoning. Vomiting can only be induced after
taking 100-150 ml of Vaseline oil into the stomach.
In case of loss of consciousness, first aid is provided according to the principle of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The victim should be treated in a hospital.