First aid for poisoning

Interview the victim or witnesses and try to identify:
• what type of toxic substance was taken,
• in what quantity,
• how long ago.
If the toxic substance is not known, collect a small amount of vomit for medical examination.
Help with oral poisoning
• After making sure that the victim is
when conscious, give him 1-2 glasses of cold water to drink.
• Induce vomiting (have him put
two fingers on the root of the tongue). This procedure
can be repeated several times.
• See your doctor.
Vomiting cannot be performed if the victim:
• is unconscious;
• is in a state of convulsions;
• pregnant woman;
• ingested acid or alkali, or oil pipeline
duct (gasoline, gas);
• has heart disease.
During vomiting, only part of the poison leaves the stomach, and therefore:
• after vomiting, the victim should drink
you 2-3 glasses of water to reduce con
tration of poison left in the stomach;
• if necessary, induce vomiting again;
• call emergency medical assistance.