Organochlorine Compounds (DDT, Detoil, Hexachlorane, etc.)

Organochlorine compounds (OCCs) are a group of chemical compounds that contain chlorine and organic radicals in their structure. Some of the more well-known COCs include DDT, Detoil, hexachlorane, and others.

COCs have been widely used in the past as pesticides and insecticides, as well as in industry. However, many of them are currently prohibited for use due to their high toxicity and negative impact on the environment.

One of the main dangers associated with COCs is their toxicity to humans. They can cause various negative effects on health, including psychotropic, neurotoxic (convulsive) effects, dyspeptic disorders, abdominal pain, general weakness, muscle hyperesthesia, increased body temperature, acute tracheobronchitis (if inhaled), agitation, chill-like hyperkinesis, calf cramps muscles, clonic-tonic convulsions.

In severe poisoning, COS can cause muscle weakness, weakened reflexes, stuporous state, acute cardiovascular failure (collapse), respiratory depression and even death. The development of toxic hepatopathy is possible. In case of contact with skin, dermatitis, eczema, and urticaria may occur.

Treatment of COC poisoning should be immediate and effective. It should only be carried out in specialized medical care settings.

One of the first steps in the treatment of COS poisoning is repeated gastric lavage through a tube and a saline laxative. Next, forced diuresis with urine alkalization can be performed.

To eliminate the consequences of COC poisoning, various medications can be used. Calcium gluconate and chloride (10 ml of 10% solution) intravenously, nicotinic acid (3 ml of 1% solution) subcutaneously again, thiamine (2 ml of 5% solution) and cyanocobalamin (up to 600 mcg) intramuscularly can be used to relieve some symptoms.

In case of seizures, diazepam (2 ml of 0.5% solution IM) can be used. Treatment of toxic shock and toxic hepatopathy may also require specific treatments. It is important to remember that epinephrine should not be administered when treating COC poisoning.

In general, the use of COCs should be limited and controlled. It is important to strictly follow safety rules when working with these substances to reduce the risk of poisoning. It is also necessary to conduct regular environmental monitoring and control the levels of COCs in it.

In conclusion, COCs are hazardous chemical compounds that can negatively impact human health and the environment. In case of COC poisoning, you must immediately seek medical help and carry out effective treatment.