Children's Room: From Cradle to Bed with Lattice

The children's room should be bright and comfortable, because it is here that the baby will get his first impressions of the world around him.

Most parents are inclined to believe that in the first months of life, it is better for the baby to sleep in a small cradle on wheels or a portable basket. This crib provides enough space for your newborn to sleep comfortably, but is not so large that he feels lost in it. It's easy to carry everywhere and baby can stay close to mom all day, making life much more enjoyable for both. In such a cradle it is better to do without a pillow so as not to damage the growing spine.

A child will usually need a larger bed no earlier than the third or fourth month of life. It should be spacious, since small arms and legs at this time are already in constant motion. A crib with a lattice and a mattress that can be adjusted in height is very comfortable and is purchased by many parents. First, choose the upper position of the mattress in order to lower it as the child grows. The distances between the bars should be wide enough so that the child can see his surroundings, but not so wide that he can stick his head between them. Not for the first time, it is recommended to place a so-called nest - a thin protective pillow - near the grill posts on the side of the head. The height of the nest is usually 10-12 centimeters. It protects the child's head from contact with the wooden posts of the lattice.

Most newborns spend the first few months in their parents' bedroom, as this makes breastfeeding easier and provides contact with their parents. However, after about six months, it is time to think about moving your baby into his own room. By this time, breastfeeding most often stops, and the baby sleeps all night long. In addition, the move to the nursery has taken too long; difficulties may arise, since the child is too accustomed to the presence of his parents.

When equipping a children's room, parents should remember that this room will serve the child not only for sleeping. For a baby, his entire environment is an inexhaustible source of all kinds of discoveries. Everything is new to him, and the more he manages to see, feel and hear, the faster he develops.

The children's room should be bright and well ventilated. The ideal room temperature is 20°C. In winter, of course, heating should work, but heating devices should not be located near the crib.

Ideally, the child has his own room, free enough to accommodate a changing table and a baby bed. It is better not to clutter the nursery with unnecessary furniture in order to protect the child from injury, and not to allow dust to accumulate. If the parents do not have a separate room for the child at their disposal, then they should at least fence off the crib using a screen, shelving or the like.

The children's room should have at least one window so that it is always well ventilated. Floors should be easy to clean. Carpets and curtains are not recommended as they collect a lot of dust, which can lead to allergic respiratory diseases. Under no circumstances should parents smoke in the children's room.

As we have already noted, the ideal temperature for a children's room is 20°C. On hot summer days, a fan can cool the air in the room, but it should never be pointed directly at the child. Bed linen and night pajamas are chosen, of course, in accordance with the outside temperature, warm ones in winter and light ones in summer.

Daylight is the best lighting for a children's room. If it is not enough, then you should add artificial lighting, but at the same time try to remove floor lamps on unstable legs and freely hanging wires from the children's room, as they can