Hair (Water Worm)

When swimming in dirty water, as well as during a flood, a thin worm sometimes gets under the skin of the leg, which is popularly (in Russian) called “hair”. It settles mainly in the heel, which begins to hurt and rot. Conventional medical treatments are of little help. But there are good folk remedies:

  1. Pour some plain gray soap into water, boil it, and keep your foot up to your ankle in very hot water three times a day for half an hour. The hair disappears and dies.

  2. Light dry horse or cow dung and hold your foot above the smoke. After several such procedures, the “hair” crawls out of the heel.

  3. When the “hair” grows throughout the body, it manifests itself as wounds in various places. But these wounds are very characteristic: one wound will be healed, and soon a new one will open in another place, then a third, and so on. In this case, do this:

You need to take a bunch of ears of grain without grains from rye, wheat, oats - it doesn’t matter, but only from those grasses or grains from which you can make a bunch of small twigs. This bunch is placed on the wound and poured over with warm water (like fresh milk). It is necessary to water continuously, for at least two hours, until the worm comes out with all its offspring.

This will be visible as it wraps itself around the twigs; All you have to do is raise the bunch to the light, and the worms will become noticeable. The wound through which they came out will soon heal on its own, you just need to tie it up temporarily so as not to contaminate it. But if the wound does not heal, then this indicates that there are still worm embryos in the body.

The treatment must be repeated. Also, if the first wound has healed, and a new one has appeared somewhere, then the same treatment must be performed on the new wound. Usually after two times all the “hair” crawls out.