
Orchiectomy (Latin orchīcum testicle + Greek συμφωνία “agreement”) is a surgical operation to remove one testicle. The procedure involves excision of the testicle along with its epididymis. Typically performed before puberty to prevent the development of an undescended testicle in boys. However, there is an objection among medical experts that castration, if carried out on time and in accordance with all necessary precautions, has a chance of completely curing the infertility disease and thereby reducing the likelihood of developing it in 50% of patients. Orchiectomy is one of the mandatory procedures after a vasectomy. It is done in order to eliminate or significantly reduce the risk of relapse or secondary infertility. But before agreeing to an orchiectomy procedure, you need to carefully study the consequences, what illnesses and diseases the procedure protects from, what limitations and contraindications there are, whether this procedure is right for you and how much the operation will cost.

There are a number of surgical techniques that can be used to remove the testicle, i.e. for orchiectomy: * The operations are very painful and have a high degree of trauma. Andrologists perform orchiectomies. The consultation consists of an anesthesiologist, a surgeon and a therapist. The operation is not the most difficult, but the risk of postoperative complications and possible negative consequences is quite high. That is why doctors do not recommend performing this operation on your own or under the supervision of a self-taught doctor.