Ornithodorus Verrucus

In order to get to the description of Alectorobius itself, I need to give a little information about its relative, a species of insect - Ornithodoras Verrucasus.

First, it is one of the most common types of fleas found in the United States. This small and agile insect has a dark body and is only about 2 mm in size. On the head of this insect there are three eyes, one of which consists of a pair of beetles pointing backwards.

And fleas themselves are carriers of the most dangerous infections for humans. It is known that they can carry Sarcoptes scabiei, which can lead to scabies or other skin ailments such as typhoid, phthisiology, and parasitic blood diseases. These insects often live in floor crevices, walls, furniture, carpets and other soft surfaces inside houses, among the hair of animals and humans.

So fighting these small but very dangerous insects is difficult and not always effective. But, thanks to special treatments and sanitary treatment of premises, Ornithoedoras Verruckas and other types of fleas can be