Blinding from the whiteness of the snow

Sometimes it comes from light and overwhelming whiteness that suppresses the visual pneuma, as happens from looking at snow for a long time, then a person does not see objects, or sees them if they are close and not in the distance, due to the weakening of the visual pneuma. If he looks at something colored, then it seems to him that there is whiteness on it.

Treatment. It is prescribed that the patient look at green and sky blue for a long time, and black is hung before his eyes. If visual disturbance from the whiteness of the snow is combined with disturbance from the cold, then water in which wheat straw was boiled should be dripped into the eye, and the water should be warm so as not to cause harm. In the evenings, lubricate the eye with honey and squeezed garlic juice. Sometimes they are forced to open their eyes over the steam of nabiz, which is dripped onto a hot millstone, or to make a poultice on the eyes from strong nabiz, or to bend over the vapor of water in which well-known absorbent and thinning herbs were boiled, for example, hyssop, sweet clover, chamomile and the like.