Osteitis Cystic

Cystic osteitis

Introduction Cystic osteitis is a pathology that occurs as a result of the appearance of multiple cystic formations on hard tissues such as bones and teeth. This disease is characterized by the accumulation of fluid between layers of bone tissue. The cyst forms hard bones, which over time can break and lead to the development of abscesses. Acute cystic osteitis can occur both after surgical procedures and in people with weak teeth and gums. Treatment consists of a course of drug therapy and professionally selected procedures. If it continues for a long time, the disease can progress and cause serious complications such as fractures, blood infections and sepsis. As a treatment, dental procedures are used to clean and treat both the foci of inflammation and the cause of the disease. The most common method is surgery to remove cysts, osteoplasty. For this purpose, special tools are used to safely remove the pathological formation. Removal can be done using traditional methods or using modern technologies such as laser surgery and radiofrequency therapy. Treatment of otitis, which is accompanied by a cystic form, is usually carried out in dentistry in a medical center.

Symptoms of cystic otitis * Intense pain * Heaviness and throbbing pain in the jaws. which cannot pass without taking painkillers. * Pain in the ears and parotid areas. Throbbing pain. * Swelling of the soft tissues around and inside the ear. * Suppuration