Osten-Sakena-Janelidze Operation

The Osten-Sacken-Dzhanelidze operation is a surgical procedure developed by Soviet surgeons Eduard Yulievich Osten-Sacken and Yuri Yuryevich Dzhanelidze in the 1930s. The operation is intended to treat diseases associated with spinal cord damage.

The operation involves a surgeon making a small incision in the patient's back and removing a tumor or other formation that is interfering with the normal functioning of the spinal cord and causing damage. The surgeon then reconstructs the spinal cord using special materials and tools.

The Osten-Sackena-Dzhanelidze operation is one of the most complex and risky operations in medicine. It requires highly qualified surgeons and careful preparation of the patient. However, thanks to this operation, many patients were able to return to normal life after serious spinal cord injuries.


Osten - Sakena - Janelidze are two names associated with one of the most complex and important surgical interventions in the history of medicine - oophorectomy, in the modern sense - removal of the fallopian tube and ovary. They are also the names of two Soviet surgeons: Emanuel Yulievich Osten - Saken (1875 - 1927) and Yuri Yuryevich Dzhanelidze (March 17, 1868 - September 2, 1918). Professor Osten became the main representative of Soviet surgery during the last stage of the Second World War. He played a decisive role in