Osteoid-Osteoma Giant

Osteoid osteoma (O.-O.) is a benign tumor that arises from bone cells (osteoblasts) and has the appearance of a cyst filled with bone substance. O.-O. can be either small or gigantic. Giant O.-O., also called osteoblastomas, are tumors that reach large sizes and cause severe bone deformations. They can occur in any bone in the human body, but most commonly affect the femur, tibia, humerus, and cranial bones.

Giant osteoid osteoma can develop over many years without causing any symptoms. However, sometimes patients may experience pain in the area of ​​the bone lesion, which may increase with physical activity or changes in body position. In some cases, O.-O. causes bone deformation, which can lead to impaired limb function and a decrease in the patient’s quality of life.

To diagnose giant osteoid osteoma, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination of the affected area. On x-rays you can see an increase in the size of the bone, the presence of a cyst and the unevenness of its surface. A CT scan can also be performed, which allows a more detailed study of the structure of the tumor and its relationship with surrounding tissues.

Treatment of giant osteoid osteoma can be either surgical or conservative. Surgical treatment involves removing the tumor along with the part of the bone on which it is located. Conservative treatment involves the use of medications that can reduce the size of the tumor and relieve symptoms.

In general, giant osteoid osteoma is a serious disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. If you suspect this tumor, consult your doctor to conduct the necessary research and choose the most effective treatment method.