Osteonecrosis Avascular

Avascular osteonecrosis

Avascular osteonecrosis is a serious disease that leads to the death of bone tissue. It results from insufficient blood supply to the bone and can lead to serious complications such as infection, osteomyelitis and even amputation.


Avascular osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis) is a necrotic process in the bones of the diaphysis that occurs under conditions of chronic ischemia. The diagnosis of avascular necrosis is made on the basis of X-ray data; it is not possible to confirm the diagnosis using pathohistological examination, since microscopic examination is absolutely impossible to identify zones of ischemic destruction of odontogenic periodontal elements, which are characteristic signs for the differential diagnosis of this process, and the dentist cannot exclude Possibilities for diagnosing exostosis. After a thorough examination, a conclusion is made about the premolars and incisors of the upper jaw. As a result of surgical intervention or the application of a splint to relieve pain, a restructuring of the vascular network of the bone occurs; in these cases, it is necessary to restore the regenerative activity of osteoclasts, and active penetration of macrophages from the periosteum through the newly formed channels occurs; this leads to the formation of periosteal revascularization in the area of ​​the lesion

Osteonecrosis is an acute destructive process in the bone tissue of the spongy and compact bone substance, caused by exposure to mechanical, chemical or immunological factors on the bone. It is based on the death of cells that form the spongy and compact bone substance. Osteoneurosis is a rare but potentially life-threatening disease that can cause complications including skeletal deformity, bone pain and other complications. If you experience symptoms of this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Avascular osteonecrosis is a dental term denoting a specific type of necrosis of the cancellous bone of the jaw or