
Vv is a mysterious acronym that can be found on Internet forums or in conversations on social networks. However, what does it mean and what does it have to do with Venae - the plural of the Latin word for veins?

Start over. Vv is definitely short for some long word. But what exactly does this acronym mean?

V stands for vein, veins. It should be noted here that in Latin the word "vena" also means "channel". So, for example, in anatomy, “vein” can mean both a vessel and a canal.

What is VV then? Two different meanings must be included in this - channel and vessel. If we accept the assumption that these are two different things, then it turns out that "vv" should mean "vessels of the veins." But this is an illiterate proposal, right?

You may be thinking, “But this is Latin? So there must be some other translation of this word that formed “vv”. Let’s try to figure it out!

Let's take a look at the Latin word "vein". Its plural is Venae. If you add "v", you get "vv - what-