Osteoporosis (Osteoporosis)

Osteoporosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by thinning or degeneration of bone tissue, which leads to deterioration in bone quality and increased fragility. This disease is quite common and can lead to serious consequences, such as bone fractures, disability, and decreased quality of life.

The causes of osteoporosis can be various factors, such as infections, injuries, synovitis and other diseases that can affect the condition of bone tissue. However, the most common cause of osteoporosis is aging, especially in menopausal women. During this period, estrogen levels decrease, which leads to a decrease in bone density.

In addition, osteoporosis can be caused by Cushing's disease or long-term steroid therapy. Symptoms of osteoporosis can include bone pain, poor posture and decreased height, as well as increased bone fragility.

Quantitative radiography is used to diagnose osteoporosis, which allows you to determine bone density and detect its deterioration. For a more accurate diagnosis, other methods such as computed tomography or densitometry can also be used.

Treatment for osteoporosis involves comprehensive therapy that includes medications, strengthening bones through exercise and nutrition, and addressing risk factors that may contribute to bone deterioration.

In general, osteoporosis is a serious disease that can lead to serious consequences, so it is important to promptly seek help from specialists and undergo regular examinations to identify this disease.

Osteoporosis is loss of mass and weakening of bones. Oseopoll is one of the causes of aprolesis among older people. Its content is associated with impaired formation of bone mass during the growth phase and impaired bone mineralization in later years. The formation of osteoporosis is not always associated with diseases. In some cases, a hereditary factor or a long-term illness or chronic damage due to various factors dominates. Causes of osteoprose:


Weight loss




Other factors

Symptoms: Bone pain Displacement of bones Bone fractures The risk of fractures increases if the norm is violated when playing sports. Women are especially susceptible after 5

**Osteoporosis is a problem that people around the world are increasingly facing.**

Osteoporosis is a loss of skeletal bone tissue. It leads to weakness of the bone frame and increases the risk of fractures, especially with minor injuries. This happens due to the fact that the bone ceases to receive and accumulate sufficient amounts of calcium and minerals. This condition is detected even in patients who do not experience pain.

**Signs of osteoporosis** It is not always easy to distinguish osteoporosis from other pathologies of the skeletal system by clinical manifestations. The leading symptom of the pathology is compression fractures of the vertebral bodies, which usually occur in patients due to minor trauma or sudden movement. Symptoms of osteoporosis can be divided into local - back pain, shortening of the limb, abnormal growth of articular surfaces, pathological fractures, hemarthrosis, and general - systemic edema, liver enlargement, weight loss, weakness, difficulty urinating, allergic skin rash. Skeletal dysplasia makes it possible to clearly detect the presence of osteoporosis at the initial stages of the disease. Normally, areas of trabeculae are filled with spongy calcium, and with the development of pathology