Pre-competition preparation. Nutrition before competition

In preparation for competitions A bodybuilder should monitor his own weight and take measurements at least once a week. In this case, it is necessary to choose a diet that reduces the fat layer without reducing the achieved level of muscle mass.

Practice has shown that during preparation for competitions, most athletes experience significant loss of muscle mass. The reasons may be different, but mainly - excessive training load or reduced carbohydrate intake.

It should be remembered that reduction in calories nutrition entails a number of changes in the body, both physiological and psychological, as well as a decrease in the natural supply of vitamins and mineral salts. Drowsiness and sometimes irritability may appear. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the intake of vitamins C, E, and group B. In addition, it is recommended to take methionine (up to 900 mg per day), which helps break down subcutaneous fat.

How to change your diet before a competition?

The Weider Research Institute found that attempting to lose more than 900 grams of weight per week entails loss of muscle mass. In addition, internal discomfort and psychological “exhaustion” arise, which dramatically affects the athlete’s health.

If your weight decreases more than planned, you should increase your caloric intake from carbohydrates (cereals, fruits).

During the period of preparation for competitions, the frequency of meals should be approximately 5-6 times a day. The volume of complex carbohydrates in the diet increases, about 60% should be oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge, bread, potatoes, legumes, beans, as well as other available vegetables and fruits.

It is advisable to drink a protein drink twice a day, which you can prepare yourself. The cooking recipe is as follows: take 1 egg, fruit syrup (to taste), 100 g of cottage cheese, 4 tablespoons of milk powder or “Baby” type milk formula, 0.5 liters of milk; mix all ingredients. Another protein drink option: 1 glass of milk, 4-5 tablespoons protein powder, 3 eggs, fruit juice. Drink 200-300 grams 2 times a day, between main meals.

To limit fat intake, you can prepare a protein drink from low-fat products: instead of milk - water, instead of syrup - fruit, eggs without yolk.

At this time, it is necessary to minimize consumption, or better yet completely eliminate it from consumption. sugar And salt. Do not limit yourself in drinking water. Drink mineral water (0.5 l) once a week. It is also necessary to exclude canned foods and confectionery from the diet. Instead of regular water, use distilled water. From juices preferably orange, lemon, grapefruit. It is advisable to prepare them from fruits immediately before consumption. Two hours after preparation, the juice, as nutritionists say, becomes “lifeless.”

  1. Breakfast: boiled meat, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, juice.
  2. Second breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, seaweed salad, boiled egg whites.
  3. Lunch: boiled chicken, vegetable salad, egg whites, juice.
  4. Afternoon snack - seaweed salad, oatmeal, juice.
  5. Dinner: boiled fish, egg whites.

Three weeks before the competition, you need to reduce your caloric intake. In the last week, carbohydrate accumulation begins. The mechanism of action of this method on bodybuilders has not been fully identified, but it is known that carbohydrate depletion of the body followed by maximum consumption causes a higher carbohydrate level, which helps improve performance on competition day and preserve muscle mass.

This technique was developed by Swedish scientists for sports that require endurance. This technique is successfully used by many bodybuilders. For most athletes, the greatest effect was achieved when carbohydrate intake was limited with increased protein intake for three days two weeks before the competition.

Sample menu using this method:

  1. Breakfast: boiled fish, several egg whites.
  2. Lunch: boiled fish, several egg whites.
  3. Dinner: egg whites.

For the next three days (9th, 8th, 7th days before the competition), increase carbohydrate intake to 80-90 g per day.

Sample menu:
  1. 8-00: beef, tea.
  2. 11-00: egg whites, vegetables.
  3. 13-00: flock rice.
  4. 16-00: chicken, potatoes.
  5. 18-00: boiled rice.
  6. 20-00: lean meat, vegetable salad.
  7. 22-00: oatmeal.

Between meals - cocktails, drinks, juices.

Fat consumption during this period should be reduced, or better yet eliminated altogether. Avoid taking foods containing sodium. Intake of foods containing potassium increases. On days of carbohydrate fasting, it is not recommended to drink coffee, as caffeine interferes with the process of carbohydrate depletion.

During this period, there are cases when an athlete experiences muscle cramps during training. Including seaweed in the diet, as well as drinking ordinary water directly during training, significantly reduces these negative phenomena.

On the 6th day you need to stop taking carbohydrates. List of products on this day: boiled egg whites, chicken meat. On the 5th and 4th days, small training sessions are performed. Carbohydrate intake is limited.

The last three days before the competition, carbohydrate-rich foods are consumed. Food should consist of approximately 75% carbohydrates and 25% protein. The best sources of carbohydrates during these three days are vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, rice or buckwheat. You can eat 1-2 boiled potatoes. It is better to eat food in small portions, until you feel completely full, every two hours.

American scientists D. Costill and K. Piskhla found that the restoration carbohydrate balance it takes about two days, and it takes longer for super-recovery to occur. A. Schwarzenegger needed almost a week.

An incorrect regime (schedule) for reducing carbohydrate intake usually leads to to increase blood sugar levels. And even a slight increase in blood sugar leads to water retention in the body, which negatively affects muscle definition.

During the period of carbohydrate fasting and subsequent maximum saturation of the body with carbohydrates, you should not limit yourself in drinking water, but be sure to switch to distilled water. If the need arises, for example, you feel not “dry” enough, it is advisable to practice a steam bath. This is due to the fact that by limiting water consumption muscle relief improves, but at the same time their mass decreases.

Weight loss must be completed no later than a week before the competition. During this week, weight loss using physical exercise is not allowed. The last three days before the competition, only posing and finalization of the free and compulsory programs are performed.

Above is an example of preparing for a competition using the carbohydrate fasting technique. There are other effective methods. For example, Sean Ray, to maintain muscle volume and achieve maximum relief, recommends increasing the intensity of training: reducing rest intervals between approaches to a minimum; use continuous exercise; include isometric exercises and cyclic exercises in your training. In addition, he advises limiting fat intake and increasing carbohydrate intake through grains and vegetables. And under no circumstances should you rely on various pharmacological drugs with the help of which you can become toned in the last days before the performance.

Some bodybuilders, such as Tom Platz, practically exclude consumption fat during preparation for competitions. Here is a version of such a daily menu.

  1. In the morning: egg whites, oatmeal with milk, fruit, tea.
  2. Second breakfast: fish, boiled rice.
  3. Lunch: chicken, boiled potatoes, vegetables.
  4. Dinner: kefir, vegetables.
  5. Potatoes are eaten with the skin on.

Thus, achieving each of the goals of the preparatory period is impossible without a balanced and coordinated combination of changes in diet and choice of training regimen, volumes of loads, their intensity, types and types of exercises, etc.

Pre-competition preparation also involves polishing the compulsory and free programs:

Practicing programs is the final stage of an athlete’s preparation for competitions. The last two weeks are the time for maximum concentration on working out the competitive program. This preparation requires significant effort, time, invention, imagination, study of special issues of composition, directing, because going on stage is not just posing (static or dynamic), it can and should be a micro-performance, a micro-etude and even a micro-tragedy. This, of course, is dialogue with the audience - with spectators and judges.

Long gone are the days when body shape, relief, muscle volume were decisive when choosing a winner, when, although the most beautiful, the doll became a winner or champion. It is now of decisive importance athlete personality, the image that it symbolizes on the podium, the thoughts, emotions and feelings that it awakens in the audience and judges.

It is competitions that provide a unique opportunity for each athlete to maximize their capabilities, their potential, their vision and understanding of the beauty of the body, the perfection of movements, plasticity, harmony, and culture.

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