The concept of correct posture. Formation of correct posture as a guarantee of health

At different deviations able musculoskeletal systemassociated with retarded physical development of adolescents (scoliosis, poor posture, various congenital and acquired deformities), one of the important sections of the educational and training process should be a set of exercises to educate and consolidate the skill correct posture. After all, the good old saying is correct: “Correct posture is the key to health.”

  1. Statics and Dynamics of Posture
  2. Formation of correct posture
  3. Correct posture is the key to health
  4. A set of exercises to strengthen posture

Statics and Dynamics of Posture

Depending on the type of postural disorder, special exercises are used aimed at correcting the defect, strengthening weakened trunk muscles and developing the skill of confident, correct posture.

To target a curved area of ​​the spine, it is advisable to perform exercises with maximum load on the spinal column - in a strictly horizontal position, lying on your back and (or) on your stomach, also standing on all fours. To strengthen the muscles of the trunk, it is necessary, along with dynamic exercises, use statistical muscle tension. When using weights (dumbbells, shock absorbers, light barbell), it is necessary to include relaxation and breathing exercises. Exercises with heavy lifting and great physical stress can only be performed with an unloaded spine, i.e. in the starting position on your back or stomach. During classes, it is necessary to teach adolescents how to correctly perform general developmental and corrective exercises that help strengthen the muscle corset and form correct posture.

Formation of correct posture

The process of developing and polishing impeccable posture consists of the consistent formation and further consolidation of the skills of rational and balanced "main stand" (the so-called concept: “straight posture”), convenient for the functioning and efficient operation of the motor system, as well as internal organs. This goal is achieved in unity with the development of the mechanics of vital motor actions (such as walking, running and others) and the development of motor abilities, especially strength, as well as the ability to maintain static, and dynamic equilibrium.

Strength exercises are used to develop and strengthen muscle groups that are lagging behind in their development. This helps eliminate some congenital and acquired physique defects: narrow shoulders, stooped posture, increased fat deposition or, on the contrary, thinness, disproportionality in the development of individual muscle groups, and much more.

With special restorative and preventive training for individual and additional, independent training in strength exercises, based on the tasks facing the student, complexes aimed at the development of several muscle groups, a muscle group or an individual muscle should be recommended. The most effective are sets of strength exercises performed with resistance and weights (shock absorbers, dumbbells, expanders, barbells, etc.), carried out using the circular method. The following are exercises for compiling sets of strength exercises, taking into account the tasks to be solved and the preparedness of the trainees. The weight of the weight is determined depending on the level of strength readiness.

A set of exercises to strengthen posture

From the exercises given in the complexes, depending on the tasks at hand, you can create and recommend them to those practicing special complexes, aimed at developing a specific muscle group or individual muscle.

As constantly performed independent exercises, we recommend the following, mandatory for girls. Constant and systematic implementation of this complex will also be the key to strengthening your health and overall immunity...

Exercises to strengthen the chest muscles:
  1. cross movements with straight arms in front of the chest;
  2. lying on your back, arms with dumbbells spread out to the sides. Bringing and spreading hands;
  3. standing, arms extended to the sides and elbows bent upward. Bringing and spreading hands;
  4. from a standing position on all fours, bending, move to a lying position, bending your arms (“cat under the fence”);
  5. from a standing position on all fours, the right leg is straightened back. Flexion and extension of the arms. The same, the left leg is straightened back.
  1. the muscles of the “lower abs” are strengthened with the help of various movements of the legs in the position of support while sitting, arms behind, support lying on the forearms from behind, lying on your back, sitting, etc.
  2. the muscles of the “upper abs” are strengthened by lifting the torso from a lying position, lying with legs bent, lying legs up, etc.;
  3. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are strengthened by lifting the body and lower limbs in a side lying position, turning to the right and left in a standing and sitting position.
Exercises to strengthen back muscles and spinal mobility:
  1. alternate and simultaneous raising of the legs and torso in a prone position and their various modifications;
  2. turns right, left, bends forward and backward from various positions;
  3. lying on your stomach, arms bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your head to the right, then to the left, trying to see the heel of the foot opposite to the direction of the head turn;
  4. while standing on all fours, bend your back and arch it;
  5. standing position with bent arms on the floor, moving hands, go to lying position and back.
Exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles:
  1. lying horizontally on your back, with your legs bent. Raise your pelvis as high as possible;
  2. do the same, placing the foot of one leg on the knee of the other.
  3. Same. Raising your pelvis, stretch your hand up. Look at the supporting hand;
  4. in a sitting position, arms up, palms together (“house”) “steps” forward, backward, right and left on the buttocks;
  5. sitting on your knees, support behind. Raise (push) the pelvis up and forward, while straining the buttocks;
  6. lying horizontally on your back, with your legs bent at the knees, your feet turned out and connected by your soles. Move your feet back and forth without opening them.
Exercises to strengthen leg muscles:
  1. swinging movements of the legs in various positions;
  2. squats, half squats;
  3. climbing to the top.
  1. twines, half-splits;
  2. standing sideways or facing the gymnastics wall and placing your foot on the bar so that you can feel the tension in the muscle, bend and sway. Make sure your posture is correct.

Perform exercises until slight fatigue, increasing the load with each session.

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