Osteopsatirrosis Idiopathic

Osteopathy or idiopathic osteodystrophy (synonymous with dystrophic osteopathosis, idiopathic osteorenephritis) is a collective concept that unites a group of skeletal diseases diverse in origin, in which primary systemic damage to bone tissue predominates in the form of a characteristic combination of pathological processes, followed by successive stages of osteoporosis, osteosclerosis and osteoperiostitis. It is a complex process of progressive destruction of the cortical layer, followed by its replacement with strong connective tissue. Both factors of neurohumoral and metabolic genesis, as well as inflammatory, autoimmune and vascular changes, characterized by progressive proliferation of endosteal cells and sclerosis of the bone marrow canal, take part in the formation of the pathological process. The clinical picture is determined by a successive change of periods of effusion, active regeneration and scarring, interpolated by periods of subsidence of pathological changes. The general course of the process may be slow, alternate with relapses and deterioration of the condition, and become chronic.