Osteotomy Corrective Supramallear

What is Osteotomy? What options should you think about?

Osteotomy is an operation to cut open a bone or joint. With an osteotomy, part of the bone is simply sawed off, or the bone is “grabbed” with forceps, turned and sawed.

Here are the options podiatrists can use.


Such an operation can also be very large-scale. Especially if the surgeon is cutting the front edge of the femur bone - this is the side closest to the body. For example, to correct abnormal leg growth in a child or to perform reconstructive surgery in old age. Another osteoto

Corrective supramalleolar osteotomy is a surgical procedure used to treat tibia fractures and correct forefoot deformities. This operation involves cutting and breaking off part of the leg bone and then putting it back together using special metal structures. Corrective ankle osteotomy can cause deformed toes, but it can also help restore lost mobility in the leg. The recovery process after supramalleolar correlative osteotomy surgery includes wearing a special boot and following prescribed treatment. In addition, to avoid pain and discomfort, it is recommended to carry out some rehabilitation. The operation, in turn, can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. In case of local anesthesia, the operation time takes up to 45 minutes.

In most cases, the patient will be sent home from the hospital immediately after the end of the operation, only in rare cases will specific observation or additional rehabilitation or recovery methods be prescribed. Typically, the patient is prescribed bed rest for up to 24 hours. On the third day, you are allowed to walk to the toilet with two crutches. From the fourth day, the beginning of rehabilitation with special exercises and massage is indicated. Walking is allowed after about a month, depending on general well-being and