Pinworm, Threadworm

Pinworm (Pinworm, Threadworm) is a parasitic nematode belonging to the genus Epterobius (Oxyuris); lives in the proximal part of the human colon. Female pinworms are usually slightly larger than males (their length is approximately 12 mm); they emerge from the anus at night, lay eggs and then die. If these eggs enter the human digestive tract and reach the intestines, then adult pinworms develop from them. Pinworms cause the development of enterobiasis in humans, a disease that is especially common in children all over the world.

The pinworm is a parasitic nematode that lives in the proximal colon of humans. It belongs to the genus Epterobius and is called Oxyuris. Females are usually larger than males and are about 12 millimeters long. They emerge from the anus at night and lay eggs, after which they die.

If the eggs enter the human intestine, they can develop into adults. Pinworm causes a disease in humans called enterobiasis, which is especially common among children around the world.

Enterobiasis is a disease caused by pinworms and characterized by the presence of worms in the intestines. It manifests itself as itching in the anal area, and can also lead to indigestion and other health problems.

Various methods are used to treat enterobiasis, including drug therapy and lifestyle changes. Drug treatment includes taking antiparasitic drugs that kill pinworms and their eggs. However, the most effective treatment is lifestyle changes that include regular hand washing, good hygiene, and avoiding contact with infected people.

In conclusion, pinworm is a common parasite that can cause enterobiasis in humans. Treatment for this disease includes drug therapy or lifestyle changes to avoid re-infection.

The pinworm is a parasite that lives in the human intestine and causes the disease enterobiasis. This disease has been known for hundreds of years and mostly affects preschool children and people who have poor body hygiene. Pinworm spreads through human feces and most often poses a danger in unventilated and dirty places, such as sleeping areas or places where large numbers of people gather. However, it is worth noting that the pinworm has a favorable environment for its life activity only in the human body (intestines, anus). It cannot exist in other habitats.

The pinworm is capable of laying eggs daily in huge quantities. Having penetrated the human intestines, they begin to actively reproduce and feed. As a result of their existence, they pollute the body, poisoning it with decay products.