Put down the ABC book and play games

Hearing better assimilates the sound composition of words, which is an important factor for the successful mastery of reading and writing.

There are many exercises for developing phonemic awareness. For example, you can play the game “Replace the Sound”: name a word, and the child must replace one sound with another and name a new word.

The game “Words-Anagrams” will also help: name the word, and the child must rearrange the letters and form a new word.

  1. Does he have basic fine motor skills? In order to write and draw, a child must be able to control the small muscles of the hands and fingers.

Invite your child to draw something by dots, color a picture by numbers, or cut out shapes from paper. If he successfully copes with such tasks, it means that his fine motor skills are sufficiently developed.

In conclusion, I would like to note that school readiness is not only the ability to read and count. For a child to successfully adapt to school, it is necessary that he be motivated to learn, control his actions, be able to talk and listen, and have basic fine motor skills. Instead of sitting your child down with an ABC book, you can play games with him that will contribute to the development of all these skills. Games are not only a fun way to spend time, but also a great way to prepare your child for school.