
Otoscopy is a method of examining the external auditory canal and eardrum using an otoscope.

An otoscope is a device consisting of a light source and magnifying lenses. With its help, the doctor can examine in detail the condition of the external auditory canal and eardrum, evaluate their color, relief, and the presence of discharge or foreign bodies.

Otoscopy allows you to diagnose various ear diseases, such as:

  1. Acute and chronic external otitis
  2. Acute and chronic otitis media
  3. Ear injuries
  4. Foreign bodies in the ear canal

In addition to diagnostics, otoscopy is used for monitoring during the treatment of ear diseases.

Thus, otoscopy is a quick and effective method for examining the condition of the outer and middle ear, allowing timely diagnosis and monitoring of the course of diseases.

Otoscopy is a method for diagnosing diseases of the ear and throat organs, which consists of examining the inside of the ear and pharynx using a special instrument - an otoscope. This is a non-invasive and painless way to identify various diseases and pathologies, such as wax plugs, inflammatory processes, tumors and other problems that can lead to hearing loss.

An otoscopy uses a special device that allows the doctor to see the inside of the patient's ear and throat through an eye mirror. Using otoscopy, the doctor can assess the condition of the ear canal, determine the presence of inflammation, assess the size and shape of the ears, and detect the presence of foreign bodies. An otoscopic examination can also help identify the causes of symptoms such as ringing or noise in the ears, decreased hearing, ear pain, or discomfort when swallowing.

Otoscopy is an important tool in diagnosing ear diseases. Thanks to the ability to see the inner ear cavity, doctors can determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment. Before using an otoscope, many hearing problems went unnoticed and were not treated promptly, which could lead to serious consequences. For example, sulfur plugs can cause severe hearing impairment, up to complete deafness. To prevent such complications, it is important to have regular otoscopic examinations, especially if you are prone to wax plugs. You should also pay attention to any hearing loss and seek immediate medical attention.