Speech Scanded

Slanted speech is a speech disorder characterized by slow and divided pronunciation of words and syllables. This disorder can be observed in various diseases such as cerebellar lesions and multiple sclerosis.

When the cerebellum is damaged, coordination and balance are impaired, which can lead to slower speech. The patient begins to speak slowly and pronounce words and syllables separately in order to maintain balance and not fall.

A characteristic symptom of multiple sclerosis is poor coordination of movements, which can lead to slow speech. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the central nervous system and can lead to various disorders, including slurred speech.

Treatment for scanned speech disorder may include medication, physical therapy, and speech therapy. In some cases, surgery may be required.

Speech and speech disorders

Speech is the process of transmitting information using the tongue and vocal cords for the purpose of conveying thoughts. In the case of speech disorders, certain problems arise, such as evasion of the meaning of expressions or changes in vocabulary and grammar. Let's take a closer look at **chanting**, which refers to such disorders.

general description

**Speech scanned** is a term in neurology and speech therapy that denotes slow, “drawn-out” speech, when words are pronounced as separate sounds against the background of an almost inaudible accompaniment of speech. When chanting speech, the syllables are not pronounced together, but as if there is some kind of obstacle between them. **There are three types of chants