Lead Intracellular

Intracellular lead (IC) electrodes are a technique used in electrophysiology to record action potentials or other signals that occur in living cells. OVN allows you to more accurately analyze these signals and identify changes in cell function, which can be important for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases

Introductory part Intracellular studies are one of the key areas in modern electrophysiology. They make it possible to study the electrical properties of cells from the point of view of their molecular structure. Using intracellular studies, it is possible to obtain information about the operation of ion channels, membrane potentials, gene activity and other processes occurring inside the cell.

Main part

The recording of intracellular impulse activity is based on the use of electrodes that are located inside the cell or attached to its surface. Thanks to this, it is possible to record electrical signals associated with the operation of the cell in real time.

One of the most common intracellular lead methods is the microelectrode technique, which involves placing an electrode inside the cell through a microscopic trepanation of tissue. This method allows one to obtain detailed information about the properties of cells in small volumes of tissue.

To record intracellular signals, special devices are used - intracellular electrodes. They can be of different shapes and sizes, depending on the purposes of the study. For example, sharp electrodes are used to record electrical signals from neurons, while thicker electrodes are used to study the activity of muscle cells.

An important feature of intracellular electrodes is their small area, which allows recording signals from individual cells. Thus, this method is well suited for studying the functioning of individual cells in tissue, such as neurons or muscle fibers.

Electrode micromotors make it possible to record data at high frequencies - up to several thousand times per second. This allows cell performance to be monitored on various time scales, including milliseconds or even nanoseconds.

Introduction: The lead electrode method in physiology is a technique used to record electrical signals that are generated by cells in the body. It relies on the use of a small electrode that is placed directly into the cell body to record electrical activity. In this article we will consider applications to problems such as the cardiovascular system and the peripheral nervous system.

Main part: The intraceleal lead is used in electrophysiological studies of the heart and myocardium to measure electrical potentials in the tissue. The method allows you to evaluate the electrical properties of cardiomyocytes resulting from various cardiac disorders and determine the mechanisms of pathology. This method is popular in medicine for diagnosing diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as myocardial infarction and arrhythmias. Typically, special electrodes are used that are placed inside the heart through a catheter through the right atrium, right and left ventricles. Attached to the electrode is a metal-based electrode (orthogonal) and an aluminum gel poured into the gel circuit to enhance the signal. The electrode has the shape of a tube 25 mm long with a diameter of 0.813 mm and a wall thickness of 0.1 mm. The distance from the distal tip of the electrode to the mesalveolar cartilage is approximately 5.4 mm. Between the surface of the human body and the surface of the myocardium there are scar tissues - the consequences of cardiac or surgical interventions, chronic infectious carditis or post-infarction scar, therefore the distances for intradermal insertion of the electrode may vary in different patients. To conduct research, a routine insertion technique with an inclination of the electrode against the background of a slight rotation of the patient’s body is most often used. The amount of potassium is approximately 165–200 mmol/l. Normal rhythm amplitude is ≥80 μV, rhythm latency is ≥3 mV. The output powers (generated by the terminal cells of mitochondria) are determined by the rate of cell metabolism, oxygen content in tissues, the ionic composition of the intercellular fluid, the activity of membrane Na+, K+ - ATPases, pumps and other factors. Based on 18 electrograms (2 minutes) recorded in classical sinus rhythm from several dozen myocardial sections with a diameter of 6 to 15 mm at different levels (from the apex of the left ventricle to the base of the interventricular septum) in the direct “medial” and transverse “coronary” directions, The ratio of the durations of various fragments of ecdysophatic EG was analyzed. Determination of the PQ, QRS, T intervals, their medians and 95% confidence intervals (with a statistical significance level of p≤0.05) made it possible to obtain an average characteristic of the normal rhythm from each myocardial sample in the zone of intense gas exchange. The studies carried out are of clinical significance, primarily for cardiac surgery, cardiology, arrhythmology and therapy. One of the most significant limitations in the development of methods is the inability to use standard instruments when conducting intracellular studies associated with limited capabilities monitoring the movement of conductive components in areas of intracardiac pathology and leading to frequency limitation


Intracellular potential (ICP) is a method for recording the electrical activity of nerve and muscle cells, which allows us to study the mechanisms of functioning of these cells under physiological conditions. This method is an important tool in the study of nerve conduction when studying the functional activity of the cell membrane, and is also used in clinical practice for the diagnosis of neurological diseases. The purpose of this article is to reveal the basic principles of intracellular potential removal, measurement techniques and interpretation of the results obtained.

Description of the method:

The essence of the method for recording intracellular activity is to measure the electrical potential that is created by the current passing through the cell membrane. For this purpose, a special