Chancre Wand

The chancroid stick is not some kind of poisonous mushroom or deadly virus, but one of the causative agents of the well-known chlamydia. This is a venereal infectious disease caused by sexually transmitted pathogens. Of the other characteristic features of the wand, we have identified 2 important ones - it is dangerous and painless during the incubation period. The mechanism for the development of complications of the subsequent infection is inflammation of the cervix, caused by secretions of infected rods. **During sexual contact** with a sick partner _infection_ occurs. They differ in that they cause diseases of the pelvic organs in women. Whereas sexually transmitted infections in the vast majority of cases affect the genital area of ​​men. This type of inflammation **does not occur**:

* in newborn children;

* teenagers under 18 years of age;

In the case of pathological discharge in the vagina, **suspicion of the presence of this disease** falls primarily on candidiasis - thrush. If there are abnormalities in the functioning of the ovaries and female genital organs, it is quite difficult to suspect the presence of chlamydia in the patient, since their symptoms are similar. In such cases, it is not possible to detect changes on your own. In order to diagnose the disease, you need to consult a doctor. Chlamydia is very dangerous not only for a woman’s reproductive health, but also for her future offspring. That is why it is necessary to treat this pathology when the first symptoms appear. The cause of the disease **may be chlamydia** belonging to the Chlamydia family. They have a characteristic shape in the form of an owl's beak, hence the name genus chlamydia. Bacteria look like small microorganisms that have a hemispherical shape, pointed at one end. Chlamydia size is about 0.1 microns. Due to their acute need for oxygen, three main forms of existence of chlamydia can be considered - primary chlamydials (elementary bodies), or virion forms, intracellular forms (reticular-like) and resting forms. Virion chlamydia are

Chancre stick Haemophilus ducreyi is a bacterial causative agent of chancroid, anal gonorrhea and other diseases of the anogenital area (chancroid).

Haemophilus influenzae, responsible for soft tissue infections: chancroid, gonorrhea, cellulitis. At the same time, the bacillus can cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract, Graves' disease, and meningitis. As a rule, bacteria enter the body through urine, feces, skin and saliva, and less often through airborne droplets. IgG antibodies against H. ducrey form protective proteins on the skin that prevent bacteria from interacting with it.