
Panarthritis is an inflammation of all tissues surrounding a joint, including the synovium, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and muscles. It can be caused by various reasons such as infections, injuries, autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and others.

Symptoms of panarthritis may include pain, swelling, redness and warmth in the joint area. In some cases, there may be limited joint mobility.

Treatment for panarthritis depends on the cause of the disease and may include antibiotic therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs, surgery and physical therapy.

However, panarthritis can be dangerous to health if not treated promptly. Therefore, if symptoms of panarthritis appear, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Panarthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, which is characterized by swelling, pain and disruption of their functioning. Among the possible causes of this pathology, experts identify injuries, infections, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as autoimmune processes and allergic reactions. Diagnosis and treatment of panarthritis should be carried out by an experienced specialist - a rheumatologist.

The development of pathology is accompanied by a violation of the functional abilities of the joint. During the inflammatory process, the synovial membrane becomes inflamed, and changes occur in the composition of the joint fluid and the size of the joint body, and cracks or erosions appear on the walls of its cartilage. As the disease progresses, tissue resembling bone grows in this joint.