Panophthalmitis (Panophthaimitis)

Here is a 131 word article on Panophthalmitis:

Panophthalmitis is an inflammation of all tissues of the eyeball. This is a serious and sight-threatening disease that can lead to blindness if not treated promptly and correctly.

Panophthalmitis is usually caused by a bacterial or fungal infection that enters the eye from outside through a wound or surgery. The infection quickly spreads throughout the eyeball, causing inflammation and tissue necrosis.

Treatment includes antibiotics given inside the eye and surgery. The earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of saving vision. Therefore, at the first signs of panophthalmitis, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Panaphalmitis is a dangerous and extremely rare eye disease that can lead to vision loss. However, if this disease is detected at an early stage, it can be cured and the patient’s vision can be preserved. In this article we will talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of pantophthalmitis.

**Causes of the disease**

Panophthalmitis appears as a result of inflammation of the internal structures of the eyeball due to infection from the paranasal sinuses or other parts of the head. Often their cause lies in hemorrhages, as well as injuries to the eye or surrounding areas. The disease is highly contagious and is transmitted through blood, lymph, damaged conjunctiva, and lacrimal cups.

**Panophthalmitis** is a purulent inflammation of the entire lining of the eye, including the sclera and its inner layers. The name is of Greek origin (pan - “whole”, ophthalmos - “eye”).

The disease is classified as severe and can result in surgery or even blindness. It is more often diagnosed in men over 60 years of age. Diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation are carried out by ophthalmologists and ophthalmological surgeons.

Infection occurs due to infection of the deep tissues of the eye by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, or an allergic reaction. As a result, the entire body of the eyeball is damaged, which leads to the development of symptoms and deterioration of the patient’s condition. Eye damage is always accompanied by severe signs of intoxication. Without timely initiation of treatment, the disease progresses and leads to serious consequences. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, you may infect others in public transport (public places).

Therapy is prescribed after diagnosis and determination of the type of pathogen that caused the inflammatory process. The patient is prescribed antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators and symptomatic drugs. In advanced cases, surgery is performed to remove ulcers and other damaged areas. If damage to the orbit is observed, the patient is provided with specialized care.