Papilloma on the palm: how and with what to treat?

Papilloma on the palm

The content of the article:
  1. What do papillomas look like on the palm?
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Methods for treating papillomas on the palm
    1. Medicines
    2. Folk remedies
    3. Removal of papillomas on the palm

Papillomas on the palms are neoplasms that arise as a result of the activity of the human papillomavirus. Usually they are benign in nature. The activation of the pathogen in the body is influenced by a number of negative factors. Therapeutic tactics depend on the degree of growth of growths and how long ago they appeared. Treatment is carried out using hardware, medication or folk methods.

What do papillomas look like on the palm?

What do papillomas look like on the palm?

In the photo there are papillomas on the palms

Papillomas on the palm can look different. In modern medicine, according to their appearance, formations on the skin of the hands caused by HPV are classified as follows:

  1. Flat papillomas. A distinctive feature of this type of growth is severe itching and inflammation of the skin around it. Externally, such neoplasms appear as small, rough warts that protrude slightly above the skin. Flat papillomas come in different sizes, but usually they do not grow beyond 20 mm. Color varies from light pink to dark brown.
  2. Simple papillomas. In official medicine they are called vulgar. Initially, such formations appear on the palms, from where they spread to other parts of the body. The growth of such warts can be stopped at the initial stage of the process by promptly removing the first growth that appears. This will prevent the spread of papillomas, and after removing the primary growth, other warts may fall off without third-party intervention.
  3. Thread-like papillomas on the palm. They are small nodules up to 0.5 cm in diameter, attached to the skin with a thin stalk. On the hands, such growths are localized quite rarely; usually this type of formation is characteristic of the neck, armpits and face. Thread-like neoplasms appear more often in elderly patients.

Papillomas on the palms can look different: sometimes they are single flat formations, in some cases they merge into large colonies. Warts can be strongly protruding above the epithelium and have rather coarse hairs in the center. The appearance of papillomas on the palms is widely presented in photographs in various medical publications and on specialized websites devoted to this topic.

Important! When papillomas appear on the palm, the patient should avoid situations in which they can be injured or torn off, as this can provoke the development of the process and accelerated growth of tumors on the hands and other parts of the body.
  1. Read also what warts on the palm look like

Causes of papillomas on the palm

HPV 3d model

The reason for the appearance of papillomas on the palm is the activation of the papillomavirus present in the body. After infection, it may not manifest itself for a long time, but under the influence of problems with decreased immunity and other negative factors, the process of wart formation begins.

The main reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the skin of the palms in medicine include:

  1. Various inflammatory processes of infectious etiology;
  2. Weakening of the body due to surgical operations;
  3. Severe traumatic lesions of internal organs;
  4. Failure in the hormonal system;
  5. Constant stress, emotional overstrain;
  6. Increased sweating;
  7. Avitaminosis;
  8. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules;
  9. Excessive physical activity;
  10. Pathologies of an autoimmune nature;
  11. Sexual and household contacts with a carrier of the virus, use of other people's cosmetics and personal items;
  12. Poor nutrition, excessive consumption of fatty and spicy foods;
  13. Eating disorders, anorexia, a sharp decrease in daily caloric intake;
  14. Radiation exposure.

Papillomas on the palms are quite common, since the hands are constantly in contact with objects on which microbes accumulate. In addition, the palms and fingers are most often exposed to microtraumas, through which the infection easily enters the body.

Sometimes the activation of HPV and the appearance of papillomas on the palms are associated with changes in the female body during pregnancy.

Important! The human papillomavirus can manifest itself only several years after infection of a person who, unaware of the disease, is a source of infection for everyone who is in close contact with him.
  1. Read also: what causes papillomas

Methods for treating papillomas on the palm

Taking pills for papillomas on the palm

Therapy for human papillomavirus is effective only with a combination of different methods. The success of treatment depends on the correct choice of medications for internal and external use, methods for removing papillomas on the palms, traditional medicine and compliance with preventive recommendations.

The set of measures to neutralize HPV includes the following areas:

  1. Prescribing antiviral drugs that destroy the virus and deprive pathogenic microorganisms of the ability to reproduce;
  2. Increasing the body's resistance to HPV by taking drugs to strengthen the immune system, these are, first of all, complexes of vitamins and minerals and modern immunomodulatory drugs;
  3. Products for external use in the form of creams, gels and ointments to stop the growth of growths on the palms and other areas of the skin;
  4. Physical removal of tumors using modern hardware methods or surgery.

The selection of specific treatment methods is carried out by the attending physician based on test results, the degree of spread of papillomas on the palms, their nature and type.

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas on the palm

Medicines for the treatment of papillomas on the palm

In the photo there are medications for papillomas on the palm

The action of the active substances of all drugs for HPV therapy is aimed at destroying the cell structure of the virus. The tablets are prescribed immediately after HPV is detected in the blood; they show a particularly good effect in cases where the patient consults a doctor at the first symptoms of infection.

The following medications have shown the greatest effectiveness in the fight against human papillomavirus:

  1. Isoprinosine. The drug is available in tablet form with a dosage of 500 mg. The product has a dual effect, which is very important in the treatment of papillomas on the palms: it acts directly on the nucleus of the virus cell, suppressing the process of DNA and RNA synthesis, and has a pronounced immunomodulatory effect. There is also a good anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important in the process of treating papillomas on the palms. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor; adult patients are usually prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day for 3 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after a month. The cost of the drug is on average 650 rubles. (300 hryvnia) for a pack of 20 tablets.
  2. Lycopid. This is a modern Russian drug, the action of which is aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to the human papillomavirus due to the ability of the main active substance to produce antibodies to it in the blood. The effect of taking Lykopid can be compared to a vaccine. The drug is well tolerated by both adults and children and has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. The course of treatment lasts 10 days with daily intake of 2 tablets with a dosage of 10 mg. The price of a package of 10 tablets with a dosage of 10 mg is on average 1950 rubles. (1300 hryvnia).
  3. Immunomax. A drug for intramuscular injection of plant origin, the action of which is aimed at developing immunity against HPV. The drug is prescribed to prevent the recurrence of papillomas on the palms and other parts of the body after removal of growths surgically or using hardware methods. The course of treatment with Immunomax begins the next day after the procedure for removing the formations, it lasts 3 days. The drug costs an average of 760 rubles. (600 hryvnia) for a package of 3 ampoules with a dosage of 200 mg.
  4. Panavir. Development of Russian pharmacists, based on plant raw materials. The drug shows high effectiveness as part of complex therapy for HPV and is used both in the form of injections, ointments, and in the form of suppositories. It has a pronounced antiviral effect and also increases the body's resistance. The cost of the injection solution is 1,500 rubles. (900 UAH) for 2 ampoules of 40 mcg each, the gel costs an average of 130 rubles. (190 UAH), 5 suppositories with a dosage of 200 mcg - 1900 rubles. (1320 UAH).
  5. Allokin-Alpha. An effective drug for the prevention of relapses of HPV and the appearance of papillomas on the palms. Available in powder form, which must be diluted with saline for subcutaneous injection. The course of treatment consists of 6 injections, which are given every other day. The drug is quite expensive, its cost is on average 3,700 rubles. (2100 UAH) for a pack of 3 ampoules.
  6. Cycloferon and other interferon preparations. Proteins that prevent the development of papillomavirus are produced from donated blood or synthetically. Interferon-based agents have a destructive effect on the DNA of the virus and help increase the body's resistance to infection. Available in various dosage forms: ointments, tablets and solution for injection. The cost of Cycloferon tablets is 200 rubles. (13 UAH) per pack of 10 pcs. dosage 150 mg.

For the treatment and removal of papillomas on the palms, local agents are also widely used, among which the following drugs have shown the greatest effectiveness in clinical practice:

  1. Feresol. It affects papillomas, causing a chemical burn, but at the same time it has a bactericidal effect. When applied daily to warts on the palms, they will disappear within 5 days. The price of Feresol is 68 rubles. (20 UAH).
  2. Super clean. It is widely used in the practice of removing warts, but it must be used with great care so as not to damage healthy tissue. Before applying to the papilloma, the skin around it should be lubricated with a rich cream. Usually a single cauterization is sufficient. The average cost of the drug is 30 rubles. (19 UAH).
  3. Keravort. An American product for external use, available in the form of a cream. This is an immunomodulator intended for local treatment of papillomas on the palms and other open areas of the skin. The drug should be applied to the growths at night, repeat the procedure every other day until the growths disappear. The cost of the cream is about 2.5 thousand rubles. (1000 UAH), available with prescription.
Important! Any medications to combat the human papillomavirus are taken only as prescribed by a doctor, and no self-medication is acceptable in this case.

Folk remedies for papillomas on the palms

Garlic for papillomas on the palms

Removing papillomas on the palm using folk recipes shows high efficiency, but such remedies can only be used in the absence of an individual allergic reaction to a specific medicinal plant.

The most popular means are:

  1. Celandine juice. Traditional medicine recommends using fresh plant juice, but it must be used with caution due to its extremely aggressive effect on the skin. The juice is applied to the growth using a cotton swab; the skin must be generously lubricated with cream before the procedure. Carry out the procedures until the warts completely disappear.
  2. Castor oil. This is a well-proven folk remedy that does not have a negative effect on the healthy tissue surrounding the papilloma on the palm. The oil is applied several times to the tumors and rubbed into the skin. With regular use, they disappear within a month.
  3. Garlic. It not only helps get rid of the external unpleasant symptoms of HPV, but also improves immunity. Juice from a clove of garlic is applied to papillomas 2 times a day until they disappear completely.
  4. Dandelion tincture. To prepare a medicinal infusion, freshly blossomed plant flowers are collected and filled with alcohol. After 2 weeks of storing the tincture in a cool, dark place, the product can be applied several times a day to the growths. Usually papillomas disappear within 3 weeks.
Note! Before using any herbal-based product, you must make sure there is no allergic reaction and consult your doctor.

Removal of papillomas on the palm

Laser removal of papillomas on the palms

When papillomas appear on the palm, the problem of how to treat neoplasms can be successfully solved only by using a combination of various methods. In addition to drug therapy, various hardware techniques for removing growths and cutting them off surgically are widely used.

The most popular and effective ways to remove growths from the palms include:

  1. Electrocoagulation. The method is based on the ability of currents of various frequencies to cause the process of protein coagulation in damaged tissues, which leads to the disappearance of formations on the skin of the palms. Treatment of papillomas with electric current is a low-traumatic method; after they fall off, there are practically no scars left. For a small affected area, one procedure is sufficient. The cost of electric cauterization varies depending on the region and the level of the clinic, on average it is 800-1000 rubles (600-800 hryvnia) when removing up to 5 tumors.
  2. Cryodestruction. Removal of papillomas on the palms with liquid nitrogen is widely practiced in modern dermatology; now the procedure uses modern equipment that allows it to act on the affected area of ​​the skin with maximum precision. Removing papillomas on the palm using this method costs from 100 to 1000 rubles (50-500 hryvnia), depending on the nature of the formations and the area of ​​the affected area.
  3. Laser removal. This is the most progressive, but most expensive procedure. Under the influence of a precisely directed laser beam, papillomas are completely destroyed, leaving virtually no traces on the skin. The minimum cost for removing one papilloma with a laser is 100 rubles. (50 UAH).
  4. Removal by radio waves. Excision of the tumor occurs using a thread-electrode through which radio waves pass. The method is low-traumatic and suitable for treating a large number of papillomas. The cost ranges from 500-1500 rubles. (200-800 UAH).

Each method has its own contraindications, so only a qualified doctor can develop the correct therapeutic tactics.

  1. Read more about laser removal of papillomas

How to get rid of warts on your hands - watch the video:

Papillomas on the palms are treatable and disappear completely with proper therapy using an integrated approach under the supervision of a physician.

  1. Related article: Which doctor should I contact for papillomas?