Papilloma on a child’s leg: symptoms and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. What is important to know about HPV in a child
  2. Why do they appear?
  3. What do papillomas look like on children's legs?
  4. Treatment options
    1. Drug therapy
    2. Destruction of papillomas
    3. ethnoscience

Papillomas on the legs of children are benign neoplasms caused by the human papillomavirus present in the body and reduced immunity. Growths on the legs appear more often in children than adults, which is associated with still developing immunity and local infection through wounds on the legs and cuts. In order for the pathogen virus to enter the wound, close contact with the carrier or personal belongings - shoes, clothes - is sufficient. Any growths on a child’s delicate skin can cause real panic among his parents, because it is the standard of tenderness and silkiness. A similar problem can form a number of psychological complexes in children, and if the formation develops on the foot, it can cause physical discomfort. Having seen papillomas on a child’s body, parents should not ignore the disease, because we are talking about the baby’s health. Therefore, the more parents know about the human papillomavirus (HPV) as a provocateur of skin formations, the better.

What is important to know about HPV in a child?

On a child’s feet, attentive parents can often notice small growths—flat, compacted formations. Statistics say that 75% of these formations are caused not by simple mechanical friction of children's delicate skin, but by internal pathogens. Papillomavirus causes formations of various forms on the skin and mucous membranes of adults and children. If a pathogenic microorganism is located in human cells, then when the immune system is weakened, it begins its harmful effects.

Viruses have a specific way of dividing. Once in the host's body, they cause abnormal division of epithelial cells. Thus, a growth forms on the body, including the legs, and HPV expands the areola of exposure. The shape and number of such formations may vary.

A child may simultaneously develop several growths of different types, and their localization will not be limited to just one part of the body, for example, the legs. Neoplasms often appear in several areas of the body at once.

The human papillomavirus has a huge number of strains, that is, subtypes. Some strains cause the formation of warts or papillomas on a child’s leg, while others lead to much more dangerous consequences - small growths transform into cancer over time. The HPV strain can only be determined using laboratory tests.

Important! If a skin growth is detected in a child, you should consult a pediatrician. Having made a general assessment of the little patient’s health, the doctor gives additional referrals to see a dermatovenerologist, immunologist, and even an oncologist. An integrated approach to analyzing the disease will allow you to prescribe competent treatment.

Why do papillomas appear on the legs of children?

Human papillomavirus can be congenital or acquired. A baby is born a carrier of this disease if he received it during the birth canal. The likelihood of intrauterine infection is low. In some cases, doctors may even recommend a cesarean section to the mother in order to minimize the risk of infection for the baby.

HPV is acquired by a child as a result of household contacts - through dishes, common objects, in swimming pools and sports locker rooms.

There is a possibility of self-infection when a child bites his nails, does not follow personal hygiene rules, or picks off scabs on wounds; since there are a lot of abrasions on the legs, papillomas can often appear on the legs of children.

However, the presence of a virus in a baby’s body does not mean the growth of tumors; growths begin to appear when the carrier’s immunity decreases.

Decreased immunity occurs due to:

  1. frequent colds;
  2. prolonged drug treatment;
  3. disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. allergies;
  5. stress.

Find out what papillomas in newborns are confused with.

What do papillomas look like on children's legs?

In the photo there are papillomas on the legs of children

From the moment the virus enters the child’s body until the first signs appear, it can take from a couple of months to several years. During the period of HPV activation, that is, when the baby’s immunity is weakened and epithelial cells have just begun destructive division, he may feel unwell, general weakness, and the temperature rises. Very young children, who do not yet know how to accurately express their condition, become capricious and whiny.

Of course, such symptoms are characteristic of a number of other diseases. However, infection of the child with HPV should not be ruled out. After some time, papillomas will begin to appear on the legs of children.

At first, the formations are single in nature, but over time they form entire colonies. The situation is complicated by the fact that children can comb and tear off the formations that form on their legs or knees, reinfecting the wounds.

If a papilloma is detected on a child’s leg, it is often one of the following forms:

  1. Warty dysplasia - small rough spots on the feet, this formation can transform into a malignant formation;
  2. Vulgar papillomas - round formations with a diameter of up to 1 cm, often formed on the fingers, warts are slightly rough to the touch;
  3. Flat papillomas - the formations are flesh-colored and protrude slightly above the skin, often forming on the knees;
  4. Plantar warts - small yellowish lumps that appear mainly on the feet.
Parents are advised to pay special attention to the health of the child and, if even minor growths are detected, contact specialists in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of torn papillomas, proliferation of formations, and development into malignant tumors.
  1. See what papilloma looks like on a child’s lip

Methods for treating papillomas on the legs of a child

Whatever the reason for a child’s infection with the human papillomavirus, it is necessary to pay serious attention to this disease, because we are talking about the baby’s health and his future full life. On the issue of treating papilloma on a child’s legs, the opinions of experts are divided. Some doctors rely only on drug therapy, focusing their efforts on maintaining a high level of the child’s immunity. Others recommend removing growths, arguing that children easily damage any growth located within reach, leading to re-infection. The treatment method depends on the general condition of the baby, the location of the formations, the degree of damage and is selected exclusively by the attending physician. There are also a number of folk recipes that have been used for centuries to combat papillomas on the legs of children. However, self-diagnosis and similar treatments should not be relied upon to help guide your child's health. It is necessary to use any of the remedies only after consulting a doctor, because we are talking about the baby’s health.

Drug therapy for papillomas on the legs in children

The photo shows drugs for the treatment of papillomas on the legs of children

Treatment of papillomas with medications includes both oral administration of drugs and external use of ointments and lotions. If the parents consulted a doctor at an early stage of the disease, the formation will disappear after the child’s immune system is normalized.

To combat HPV, the following are used:

  1. Antiviral drugs. To suppress the process of pathogenic cell proliferation and the occurrence of papillomas on a child’s legs, Viferon-Feron, Alfaferon and their analogues, acceptable for use by children, are prescribed. The cost of such drugs is slightly higher than drugs used for adults, and starts from 280 Ukrainian hryvnia and 700 Russian rubles.
  2. Immunomodulators to stimulate the body's protective functions. Children are prescribed Derinat, Roncoleukin, the cost of the drugs on average is about 250 hryvnia and 600 rubles.
  3. Vitamins and minerals to support your child's overall health. Vitrum Kids, Pikovit and their analogues - Actival Kid, Hexavit and others are mandatory. The cost of such complexes is relatively low and starts from 150 hryvnia and 700 rubles.

To combat the external manifestations of the disease - papillomas on the legs of children - can also be used ointments and plasters, impregnated with the active substance. Oxolinic, Boladnotone or fluorafuron ointments help exfoliate the stratum corneum of the growth and gradually reduce the growth. Solutions Feresol and Superchistotel contain acids that can cauterize the tumor. The advantage of such products is their availability; the price of ointments starts from 20 hryvnia (50 rubles). However, the method is quite painful, so it is used only for older children. Read the contraindications for Feresol.

Important! The complex of drugs and the required dosage are selected exclusively by the attending physician, based on the general health of the little patient.
  1. Read about the drug Vartox for removing plantar warts

Destruction of papillomas on the legs of a child

The photo shows the results of removing papillomas on children's legs

Removal of papillomas on the legs of children is recommended in extreme cases, if the formation is located on the baby’s foot and interferes with walking. Destruction will be carried out by using laser. This tool allows, by using high-precision equipment, to remove the growth layer by layer, while the risk of blood loss is minimal. The operation will cost from 1300 hryvnia in Ukraine, and for Russia the price starts from 2900 rubles.

Surgical method removal of papillomas, that is, traditional excision with a scalpel, is used in pediatric therapy today only in cases of diagnosing an HPV strain of high oncogenic risk. The cost of the operation is calculated individually.

Other methods of destruction - electric current, radio waves, liquid nitrogen, which are actively used to remove papillomas in adults, have a number of contraindications for some children, so they are not recommended for everyone. The decision on the type of operation can only be made by the doctor separately in each individual case.

After removal of the papilloma on the child’s legs, it will be necessary to continue the course of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs to maintain the general health of the baby.

Traditional medicine for papillomas on a child’s legs

Traditional medicine has proven itself well as a method of combating neoplasms on a child’s legs. Thus, it is recommended to lubricate warts and other growths with celandine juice. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day.

Another popular recipe is onion and garlic juice in a 1:1 ratio. This treatment will show results in 2-3 weeks.

You can apply chopped garlic or a slice of potato pulp to the growth overnight. The mixtures are glued with a band-aid, and in the morning they are taken away along with dead skin particles.

  1. Read also about compresses with soda for papillomas
Whatever traditional medicine recipe you decide to try to combat papillomas on the legs of children, you must consult a doctor before starting the procedure. Your baby may be allergic to any of the ingredients.

Avoiding infection with the human papillomavirus is quite difficult even at a young age, because more than 80% of all people on Earth are carriers of various strains of HPV. However, caring parents can maintain the child’s health, thereby preventing clinical manifestations of pathology.

The main measures to prevent the disease for a child will be a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and protection from colds. It is recommended that the child spend more time in the fresh air, exclude unhealthy foods such as fast food from the diet, and play sports. Children should also be taught the rules of personal hygiene from an early age.

How to get rid of papillomas on a child’s legs - watch the video:


Thus, if a papilloma has formed on a child’s leg, parents should not panic prematurely, but they should not ignore the problem. It is imperative to consult a doctor and find out the nature of the tumor in order to begin treatment on time. By maintaining the health of the child, parents will be able to protect the baby from unpleasant symptoms and many complications.

  1. Related article: how to treat papillomas with wormwood oil