Papilloma during pregnancy in an intimate place, what to do

The content of the article:
  1. What are papillomas in intimate places
  2. Reasons for appearance
  3. Diagnosis of papillomas
  4. Treatment of papillomas in pregnant women
    1. Immunological methods
    2. Antiviral drugs
    3. Methods of destruction
    4. ethnoscience

Papilloma during pregnancy in an intimate place is a fairly common phenomenon that does not pose a threat to the life of the woman and the embryo while it is in the mother’s womb. However, the risk of HPV infection and transmission from mother to child exists during childbirth.

What are papillomas during pregnancy in intimate places?

HPV as a cause of papillomas during pregnancy in an intimate place

Papillomas are skin tumors of a viral nature. In appearance they resemble small growths on a stalk or miniature cauliflower inflorescences of flesh-colored or pinkish color if localized on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The size of one formation is no more than 0.5-0.7 cm. Sometimes several papillomas merge together. Then their size can reach 2 cm.

Many people are carriers of papillomavirus. However, it does not always show activity and is expressed in the formation of papillomas on the body. However, during pregnancy, a sharp restructuring of the body, hormonal levels and the functioning of all systems begins. Therefore, HPV often begins to become active, which manifests itself in the form of papillomas and warts.

Note! The most common areas for these growths to appear in pregnant women are the neck, chest, armpits and private parts.

Papillomas usually remain hidden from view, and therefore aesthetic inconvenience for the expectant mother is minimal. However, these formations can cause physical discomfort if they are located in places where the skin or mucous membranes come into contact with clothing or underwear. This often happens when tumors are localized in the intimate area (learn about treatment methods for papillomas on the labia during pregnancy), for example, in the area of ​​the external genitalia, perineum, anus, buttocks.

In the photo of a woman's papillomas in an intimate place

The appearance of papillomas in pregnant women in intimate places is often accompanied by an increase in the amount of physiological discharge from the genital organs. In this way, the virus creates the most favorable conditions for its development.

Papillomas in the groin during pregnancy, as well as on the external genitalia, can significantly increase in size and grow. If the neoplasms are too large and located in the birth canal area, they can make it difficult for the baby to appear.

However, as a rule, the presence of human papillomavirus infection in the body of a future mother does not threaten the course of pregnancy and the baby. And the frequency of transmission of the pathogen from mother to embryo ranges from 4-15%.

In some cases, papillomas in an intimate place during pregnancy can cause problems and inconvenience for the expectant mother:

  1. They increase in size and sometimes bleed when damaged.
  2. Sometimes neoplasms are concentrated in the urethra and interfere with the normal physiological process of urine discharge.
  3. The accumulation of papillomas in the vagina leads to a decrease in its elasticity. This is fraught with ruptures during labor. And sometimes neoplasms can block the birth canal, which can lead to an emergency caesarean section.

In any case, if there are growths on the genitals, the attending physician will definitely prescribe an examination and comprehensive diagnosis. And, if necessary, gentle treatment of papillomas.

Reasons for the appearance of papillomas in intimate places in a pregnant woman

The main cause of papillomas in pregnant women is presence of HPV in the blood. In addition, there are a number of factors that can trigger the development of the virus with its subsequent manifestation in the form of epidermal formations.

Let's consider the factors that cause the occurrence of papillomas during pregnancy in intimate places:

  1. Weakening the body's overall immune response;
  2. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. A surge of hormones, which provokes a quantitative increase in certain cells in the epidermal layers;
  4. Friction and trauma to the skin, which inevitably accompanies an increase in body weight and volume due to pregnancy;
  5. Presence of diabetes mellitus.

Vitamin deficiency, hypothermia, psychological and physical stress, and severe fatigue can also indirectly affect the intensity of the development of the virus.

In general, any “shake-up” for the body is a reason for the activation of the papillomavirus. And pregnancy is a powerful stress factor for the female body, which gives a chance for papillomas to appear.

Diagnosis of papillomas in intimate places during pregnancy

The main method for diagnosing papillomas is examination in a doctor's office. However, the health status of a pregnant woman requires special attention, so the gynecologist usually prescribes a number of additional examinations of the expectant mother.

The following methods help determine whether neoplasms are papillomas in intimate places during pregnancy:

  1. Smear for diseasewhich are sexually transmitted to exclude bacterial infection;
  2. PCR analysis (polymerase chain reaction)to confirm the level of oncogenicity of the virus (low or high);
  3. Colposcopy — examination of the vagina and cervix with a magnifying device;
  4. Cytological examination to identify changes characteristic of HPV in the cervical epithelium;
  5. Histological examinationIn which a biopsy is performed. This method is used extremely rarely in pregnant women. Only in case of a real threat of oncological process.

Once the causative agent of the disease and its strain are determined, the gynecologist or obstetrician will be able to prescribe the correct therapy, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman and possible risks to the health of her and the fetus.

Features of treatment of papillomas in intimate places in pregnant women

The question of whether a pregnant woman needs to be treated for papillomavirus and its manifestations is always decided individually in each specific case. Most often, therapy is postponed until the postpartum period. But in some cases, papillomas during pregnancy in intimate places require therapeutic intervention.

Immunological methods of treating genital papillomas in pregnant women

Most often, Interferon preparations are used to treat papillomas in intimate places during pregnancy, since the nature of papillomas is viral. Immunostimulants help suppress the virus. Essentially, it is a family of proteins produced by cells of the human immune system in response to viral stimulation.

Can be used to treat pregnant women Viferon and its analogues - Reaferon, Kipferon. These drugs are usually used in parallel with local effects. Sometimes they are injected subcutaneously directly into areas where papillomas accumulate. Interferon is prescribed both in the early stages and immediately before childbirth.

However, it is worth noting that even prolonged exposure to Interferon does not completely eliminate the risk of infection of the child during passage through the birth canal.

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of papillomas in pregnant women

These medications can be prescribed to reduce the manifestations of papillomavirus in the later stages of pregnancy - after 33 weeks, not earlier. During this period, most of the baby’s systems and organs are formed, so the risk of harm to his health is minimized.

However, it is worth understanding that it will not be possible to completely kill the virus in the blood when using drugs of this group. HPV cannot be destroyed once it has already entered the bloodstream. Antiviral drugs only help to suppress the activity of the pathogen and minimize its manifestations.

With caution, in case of papillomas in pregnant women in intimate places, gynecologists prescribe such drugs for oral administration as Panavir, Cidofovir, Alpizarin, as well as their analogues Ganciclovir, Foscarnet.

In addition, local (vaginal) antiviral medications may be prescribed: Betadine, Epigen. Their analogues are Betaiod, Vokadin, Povisep.

Methods for destruction of papillomas in intimate places during pregnancy

The photo shows the process of removing genital papillomas from a pregnant woman

Destruction is the physical or chemical removal or destruction of tumors on the skin. Among the physical methods for removing genital papillomas during pregnancy, the following are used:

  1. Radio wave removal. With this method of removing growths, there is no bleeding, there is practically no risk of wound infection, and the manipulation itself is painless. The cost of radio wave removal of papillomas is from 100 rubles in Russia and 150 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  2. Laser removal. The laser acts as a destructive “tool”. This is also a minimally invasive technique in which complete regeneration occurs within 30 days. The price of laser removal of papillomas is 1,500 rubles in Russia and 500 hryvnia in Ukraine. This method is also used to remove papillomas on the nipples.
  3. Cryodestruction. In other words, this is freezing papilloma in an intimate place during pregnancy using liquid nitrogen. A similar intervention is indicated for formations in the vulvar area. If a growth is found on the cervix or in the vagina, then freezing cannot be used. The cost of cryodestruction is 1000 rubles in Russia and 250 hryvnia in Ukraine.
  4. Surgical removal. In this case, a regular scalpel is used to excise the formation. The classic method is used quite rarely during pregnancy, as it is a traumatic procedure with a risk of bleeding and subsequent infection of the wound. Surgery is prescribed in cases where several papillomas have grown and merged into a single large neoplasm. The cost of surgical removal of genital papillomas is calculated on an individual basis.

In addition, during pregnancy, acids can be used to destroy papillomas in intimate areas - dichloroacetic or trichloroacetic(read contraindications of trichloroacetic acid). It is believed that these are relatively non-toxic substances for the expectant mother and fetus, which are suitable for removing tumors at any stage of pregnancy, regardless of their type and oncogenicity.

Traditional medicine for papillomas in pregnant women in intimate places

Many methods of suppressing the activity of papillomavirus cannot be used by pregnant women. There are especially many restrictions regarding the choice of medications. But you can resort to various folk methods of eliminating papillomas.

The safest ones are:

  1. We take vitamin A in liquid form and lubricate the papilloma daily until it is completely eliminated.
  2. We make a paste from raw potatoes and apply this mass to the new growths several times during the day.
  3. Apply the peel of a ripe banana to the growth every day for a week.
  4. Mix crushed garlic, wheat flour and vinegar essence so that the mass resembles sour cream in appearance. The resulting composition should be lubricated with papillomas in the groin during pregnancy and sealed with a band-aid. Leave this compress for several days. During this time, the skin growth should come off.
  5. Take a cotton swab and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Apply to the papilloma for 20 minutes. We do this compress several times a day.
Despite the fact that these methods and remedies seem safe, it is important to consult with your doctor so as not to harm yourself and your baby! Some papillomas in intimate places in pregnant women may be prone to malignancy, so exposure to various folk remedies can provoke a negative reaction.

Watch a video about HPV during pregnancy:

Papillomas in intimate places in a pregnant woman, as a rule, are not as dangerous as they might seem. In most cases, treatment is postponed until the postpartum period. If neoplasms grow strongly or are localized in places that will be directly involved in the birth process, the doctor can prescribe the most gentle therapy possible using various methods or a combination of them.