Signs of weak digestion

As for mild weakness, a sign of it is heaviness in the stomach, slight distension and a longer stay of food in the stomach than usual severe weakness is indicated by belching, which returns the taste of food to the mouth for some time, rumbling, nausea and “turning of the soul,” and with extreme weakness, food does not undergo any changes that should be taken into account. Thus, for example, when the coldness of the stomach significantly exceeds the measure and the food is digested only slowly, then it slowly descends if there is no reason driving the expelling force, for example, the stomach, heaviness or some other quality that opposes the coldness of nature.

Weakness caused by the nature of the stomach is indicated by the signs that you already know, as well as by the fact that the grasping of food is tremulous and not strong. Other signs are the need for food to come down and the need to burp this need arises in the absence of rumbling, preliminary frequent belching, hiccups and swelling, or appears before such signs become apparent. The fact that the cause is premature release of food is indicated by the softness and stench of the feces and the insignificant cleansing of the liver and body from it In this case, there is often a burning sensation and swelling. Signs of weakness of digestion due to hot juices are thirst, small appetite and foul, smoky belching, and weakness due to cold juices is indicated by the release of these juices in the vomit, its acidity and loss of appetite, along with the signs of coldness and the presence of matter mentioned in the first article . Weakness due to tumors and the like is indicated by signs of such diseases.