Porcelain crown (Veneer)

Porcelain crown (Veneer) is an outer covering of composite plastic or porcelain that is applied to the surface of a tooth to improve its shape and/or color. In this case, the tooth surface requires minimal preparation. And the applied coating is fixed on the surface of the tooth using enamel, which was applied to the tooth using acid etching. Porcelain crowns are a less advanced way to restore the normal color of teeth than conventional crowns.

Veneers are one of the most popular ways to improve the appearance of teeth without having to remove them. They are thin overlays made of porcelain or composite materials that are applied to the surface of the teeth to correct the shape and color.

The process of installing veneers is quite simple and takes no more than 2 hours. First, the dentist diagnoses the condition of the teeth and selects the most suitable veneer option. Then the teeth are prepared, including removing plaque, polishing and grinding the surface.

After this, a special glue is applied to the teeth, onto which a porcelain or composite onlay is attached. It is fixed using tooth enamel, which has also been pre-treated with acid. Thus, the veneer fits tightly to the tooth and does not cause discomfort when chewing.

Installing veneers allows you to change the shape and color of teeth without removal and subsequent restoration. They can be used to correct dental defects, correct the shape of teeth and improve the appearance of teeth.

Porcelain crowns (veneer): rationale and application

Porcelain crowns are a modern dental solution for restoring the shape of teeth. This type of crown is a ceramic coating that is applied to the surface of the teeth before performing various procedures such as restoring teeth after disease, removing or replacing crowns. The use of porcelain crowns helps improve the appearance of teeth and significantly improves the aesthetics of the oral cavity. In this article we will look at what porcelain crowns are, why they are so popular, and also describe their use in medicine.