Papillomatosis Diffuse

What is Diffuse papilloma?

**Papilloma** is a growth on the skin or mucous membrane. Papillomas resemble papillae in appearance. Let's talk about Diffuse papilloma.

Papillomas occur in different places and can be located on the human body. For example, papillomas near the entrance to the vagina in women, at the end of the penis, around the scrotum or in the perineum. There is also papilloma around the anus.

Diffuse papillomas, as we see, are a common phenomenon. But what is it? Let's figure it out.

The fact is that papillomas infect the human body with a virus, which means you need to be careful and take the necessary precautions. Who gets papilloma? This usually occurs in women and men over 30 years of age. Young women are most affected. Most often, the papilloma virus is contracted through intimate life. Then moles, scars, and venereal wounds do not remain completely untreated. That's how the skin is